[p2p-research] Slashdot | Internet Archive Puts 1.6M E-Books On OLPC Laptops

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Sun Oct 25 02:23:54 CET 2009

"Brewster Kahle of the San Francisco-based Internet Archive announced today 
that all 1.6 million books scanned and digitized by the Archive will be 
available for reading on XO laptops built by the Cambridge, MA-based One 
Laptop Per Child Foundation. The announcement came during a session on 
electronic books and electronic publishing at the Boston Book Festival. 
Kahle said the Archive has been collaborating with OLPC for a year to format 
the e-books for display on the XO laptops, some 750,000 of which are in use 
by children in developing countries."

--Paul Fernhout

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