[p2p-research] Google chief: Vast changes to Web loom

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Sun Oct 25 02:46:42 CEST 2009

ORLANDO -- A Web where Chinese is the dominant language and connections are 
so fast that distinctions between audio, video and text are blurred is 
perhaps just five years away, the head of Google said Wednesday.
Eric Schmidt, chairman and CEO of the Internet giant, spoke to about 5,000 
chief information officers and information technology executives at a 
technology conference.
   "All of these distinctions will completely go away," he said. "We're not 
trying to design the future. We're trying to invent it along the way. ... 
This is about inventing the future, and we score ourselves based on whether 
our customers like it."
   Teens today consume information much differently on the Web and are able 
to juggle various forms of information seamlessly, he said. Streams of 
information will increase as connections grow faster, and if Web surfers 
feel as though they are drowning in information, it is because a fundamental 
shift is occurring to user-generated content. The success of such sites as 
Facebook and Twitter are examples of this shift, Schmidt said.
   "You will tend to listen to other people," he said.
   The problem is how to organize all the information, he said. It is the 
fundamental problem facing Google, a company that offers many products but 
was built on a Web search engine that trolls for information, gathers it and 
ranks it for users. Schmidt asked rhetorically how, for instance, Google 
might be able to rank a user's individual tweets. ...

Mentioned here:

I like the topic of organizing information, like with the Pointrel system.
Which ultimately predates both RDF and WordNet. :-)

I sent Google my resume on 1/3/02 at 8:46 AM to jobs at google.com but never 
heard back (beyond from the autoresponder. :-)
"We appreciate your interest in joining the Google team. We received
your email inquiry and look forward to the opportunity to review your
background and experience. If there is an opening which matches your
skills and experience, we will be in touch soon."

Part of that note:
I have devoted most of my life to building systems that manage
information. I have been very inspired by William Kent's book "Data &
which touches on the difficulty of making sense of the universe through
building representations (much as we need to make the attempt anyway to
support specific ventures).

Guess they got a lot of resumes back then. :-)

Maybe it was all for the best anyway. I'd probably never have written most 
of the other essay stuff I have since then, either here or elsewhere, and in 
the process broadening out a lot. :-) Including OpenVirgle stuff, yanking 
Google's chain after it yanked the space communities chain: :-)
Which then moved to my involvement with Nathan's spinofff of this list as 
"Open Manufacturing".

I'm not even sure I'd want to work for them these days? Still, it might be  fun.

--Paul Fernhout

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