[p2p-research] P2P Ideology

Tere Vaden Tere.Vaden at uta.fi
Fri Oct 23 06:18:50 CEST 2009

Quoting Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>:

> Athina interprets me just right I think...there is always ideology.  There
> is no such thing as an anti-ideology or ideology free identity.

Indeed, as many scholars interested in ideology critique would  
emphasise, ideology has its finest hour (peak ideology) in exactly  
those moments where we think that we behave "naturally" or "free from  
ideology". Some would go so far as to define ideology as "that which  
comes naturally/without conscious ideology". (This is, as can be seen  
from the dialectical definition, the Hegelian school).

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