[p2p-research] barter software update

Matt Boggs matt at digiblade.com
Thu Oct 22 17:46:32 CEST 2009

In my long chat with Gary, we both looked at the historical model of
published LETS systems since the '80s and some other similar systems. We
concluded that in these  'paticipatory economies', the core group
(administrators, etc) would burn out after the membership reached 300-500.
We also concluded that creating connected 'pods' of 3-500 would keep the
system going but still be under one main database. Has anyone looked at the
links to the barter system yet that Gary runs ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Samuel Rose [mailto:samuel.rose at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 9:24 AM
To: Michel Bauwens
Cc: Matt Boggs; p2presearch at listcultures.org; Thomas Greco -- thg; Bernard
Lietaer; Jean-François Noubel; Georg Pleger; michael linton
Subject: Re: [p2p-research] barter software update

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> Citizen-oriented approaches, such as LETS, do not seem to scale, but 
> may be useful within the community  ...
> Michel

This caught my eye. Got me thinking about when and where there might be
needs for scaling beyond a local community, and how an flexible architecture
and governance for community to community systems might realistically look.

I am partly of the opinion that LETS may not really need to scale, and if it
reaches the point where it needs to, I wonder what a commons maintaining
route might be for moving forward?

Sam Rose
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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