[p2p-research] Important communication for future p2p plans

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Wed Oct 21 22:12:43 CEST 2009

> Dear friends,
> This is very early phases, but I have made an important decision.
> I will, in a few weeks or months, have access to some personal finance.
> The key plan is to finish a building that is located in front of my (wife's)
> house in Chiang Mai, and was originally intented to be a kindergarten. I
> will finish it, and it will host both a co-working environment, and a
> physical P2P Research Center.
> I originally wanted this to be a official Hub, but I fear that the
> franchising, and architectural requirements, are beyond my means at present.
> I also feel that the P2P Foundation 'brand' is strong enough, to do this
> separately. (however, my wife's sister has land just next door, that could
> conceivable host a real hub, if I would find investment partners)
> Associated with this, is the idea to create a business, that will focus on:
> 1) helping me develop my keynoting, and eventually consulting career around
> p2p; 2) create sustainable income streams around the p2p knowledge commons
> (not just for me, but for others in the community as well); think of
> publishing, cd's, etc... 3) create an income stream around the physical
> center ..
> I'm talking to a few people I'd like to be 'business managers' around this,
> willing to live in Chiang Mai.

Excellent news, Michel.

Network culture, by removing the transaction costs of dealing with a
"hub" anywhere in the world, is a great aid to Vinay Gupta's "buying
out at the bottom."  A century or so ago, Ebenezer Howard promoted a
similar "buying out at the bottom" model based on colonizing cheap
real estate in the countryside outside major cities.  Thanks to the
Internet, it's possible to do the same thing on a global scale, taking
advantage of cheap real estate and favorable exchange rates in the
Global South.  In a related note, I think Marcin Jakubowski is
offering buy-in for lifetime leases of 1/2 half acre plots at Factor e
Farm for $10,000 (I don't know how Brittany Gill figures into this,
but I assume he's not crazy enough to offer something like this
without having some prior understanding with her).
Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
Mutualist Blog:  Free Market Anti-Capitalism
Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
Organization Theory:  A Libertarian Perspective

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