[p2p-research] barter software update

Matt Boggs matt at digiblade.com
Wed Oct 21 20:14:15 CEST 2009

So, I've been talking to one of the founders of the oldest barter software
in the US and almost as old as the Weir system.
Like the Weir, it is a closed system but, it seems to do some amazing things
and the founder lives here in Colorado. I had a five hour chat with this
gentleman by the name of Gary Lasater and he seems to really like the idea
of a bottom up approach I am taking rather than the B2B both of these
systems currently cater to. Any comments or suggestions from you all would
be greatly appreciated in helping me make an educated decision. I will be
doing a live demo with him soon as well.

Links: www.TeleTrade.net or www.eValues.net
Gary is available to also chat with any of you. He has a very accessible
contact list.

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