[p2p-research] Building Torrent Family Trees (Beta)

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Mon Oct 19 13:46:58 CEST 2009

Does evolution apply to technology? A couple of people have suggested it 
does; most recently was W Brian Arthur writing in New Scientist. I also 
think it does and my PhD is trying to find the evidence for this idea. 
We are used to seeing family trees in biology. But how about for 
software? I think it is possible for us to look at family tree of forms 
of digital media too, so have been working on a method to build 
phylogenetic style family trees for BitTorrent software. The method is 
phylogenetic style rather than based abound the idea of torrents; The 
key reason that this is akin to the phylogenetic method is because the 
linkages are based on relationships of the source code (read: DNA) and 
not upon the meme-layer (read:idea). A similar exercise but around the 
meme-layer would produce very different results. Anyway this is the beta 
of my research and feedback and comments on this would be welcome!



Tomas Rawlings
Development Director, FluffyLogic Development Ltd.
web: www.fluffylogic.net
tel: 0117 9442233 
Also see:
blog on film & interweb: www.plugincinema.com
blog on p2p, media ecology & evolution: blog.catbot.org
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