[p2p-research] Fwd: Organizational Discourse CALL for PAPERS

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 14:52:14 CEST 2009

   Apologies for cross-posting – please forward to interested colleagues**


9th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: Crises,
Corruption, Character and Change

*Amsterdam, Wednesday 14th July-Friday 16th July, 2010*
Conference Theme

Contemporary organizing is confronted by seemingly endless ‘crises’ which
are routinely projected through apocalyptic metaphor. Over coffee, we can
skip-read through today’s ‘ecological catastrophe’, the ‘global financial
meltdown’ and ‘the collapse of capitalism’ before ‘getting down to work’.
All of which suggests that the distance between our discursive projections
of the future and our inability to confront those possibilities has,
perhaps, never been greater. In the post-whatever world we now inhabit, all
appears to be simultaneously terminal and – bizarrely – transient.

Hence, the theme for the 9th Conference has a narrative focus on the
discursive construction and re-construction of *crises,* *character,
corruption and change*. At the meta-level, the conference theme is intended
to elicit papers which address the discursive construction and
re-construction of ‘crises’. In our view, linguistic framing is a
fundamental aspect of how ‘crises’ are being manufactured, constituted,
projected, perceived and addressed (or finessed) at all levels of

Perhaps most problematic is how we have depicted the *character* of these
various crises for their technical and global complexity invariably
engenders over-simplified description. In parallel, we appear to be
experiencing a persistent growth in *corruption* as manifest in the
prevalence of institutional practices which directly undermined the presumed
core processes of organizations and in our accounts of such seemingly
corrupt behaviour which privilege rhetorical dissimulation. These issues
raise further questions regarding the problems of continuity and the scope
for *change*. What is the role for, and status of, discourse(s) in relation
to change (or non-change). How does discourse shape ‘character-formation’
and possible responses to crises and corruption?

The submission date is *15th January 2010*. Notification of

acceptance of papers will be given by *5th March 2010. *

Abstracts (1000 words max) should be sent as an email

attachment (saved as a Word document or a text file) to

*Tom Keenoy and Cliff Oswick *at: Discourse09 at cardiff.ac.uk

For full details see conference web page:


Tom Keenoy,
Cardiff Business School and the University of Leicester

Home Page: http://www.le.ac.uk/ulmc/academics/tkeenoy.html
Discourse Web Page:

Phone: ++ (0)29 20460425

Ryan Lanham
rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Facebook: Ryan_Lanham
P.O. Box 633
Grand Cayman, KY1-1303
Cayman Islands
(345) 916-1712
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