[p2p-research] Fwd: VW's open and transparent Factory in dresden - Germany

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 15:51:18 CEST 2009

It seems to me such a debate is too simplistic ... while we could
conceivably technically reduce working hours in a market economy .. (given a
miraculous strength of social movements), it keeps quiet about people like
me, and presumably quite a bit of you, who 'work' more than ever ... only
that for us, passionate producers, the whole notion of work and leisure has
lost its meaning ...

we can see from the experience of france with the 35 hour week, that even
that demand, which had clear advantages in some fields, no longer carries
public support ... if anything, the mentality seems to be that 'people are
not working enough' ...

so I don't see this as a realistic way to approach the issue ... except for
a small grouping of people ...


On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Paul :
>> Anyway, by the above analogy, we should be able to all work two hour days
>> if demand is limited back to 1950s levels.
> a german friend ( hes nickname is "Darwin Dante" ) argues that 5 hours a
> week of work are enough :
> http://www.5-stunden-woche.de/index.2htm.htm
> although if I understood properly, hes argument goes towards reducing the
> number of hours each of us works, to enable all to have access to ( paid )
> work... :-o
> the google translation from hes german version seems to be more precise :
> http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=hp&hl=en&js=y&u=http://www.5-stunden-woche.de/index.1htm.htm&sl=de&tl=en&history_state0=&swap=1
> ---
> I also feel like comparing hes argument with "Intermediate Technologies"
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appropriate_technology#Intermediate_technology
> *
> *
> *" **Proponents argue that such items can be easily purchased and used by
> poor people, and according to proponents can lead to greater **
> productivity* <http://wiki/Productivity_%28economics%29>* while
> minimizing **social dislocation* <http://wiki/Social_alienation>*. Much
> intermediate technology can also be built and serviced using locally
> available materials and knowledge. This intermediate technology is conducive
> to decentralization, compatible with the laws of ecology, gentle in its use
> of scarce resources, and designed to serve the human person instead of
> making him the servant of machines. "*
> although Darwin Dante's examples include high productivity technologies,
> and might perhaps not solve the social dislocation issue.
> ---
> *
> *
> *It seems to me that p2p open manufacturing is a form of **intermediate /
> appropriate technology*<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appropriate_technology#Intermediate_technology>
> *.*
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