[p2p-research] Product Designs on Pirate Bay?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 12:52:13 CEST 2009

Hi Kevin,

any time to look at the comments and report on the debate?


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Kevin Carson <
free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Sent to you by Kevin Carson via Google Reader:
>  Product Designs on Pirate Bay?<http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Ponoko/~3/hKp_xidzngQ/>
> via Ponoko - Blog <http://blog.ponoko.com/> by Duann on 10/4/09
> <http://api.tweetmeme.com/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.ponoko.com%2F2009%2F10%2F04%2Fproduct-designs-on-pirate-bay%2F>
> How long before we see ‘illegal’ product design files to download? And what
> should we do about it?
> [image: pirate bay]
> New release movies are available for download from various file sharing
> networks before they even hit the cinemas. Despite DRM and any other
> copyright protection put into music files they are instantly and widely
> spread across the net for free download seemingly as soon as the recordings
> are complete. Software applications and games are exactly the same, years of
> development are quickly absorbed and distributed in peer to peer networks
> without a dollar changing hands.
> We can assume the same is going to happen with physical product design in
> the not too distant future, as the digital design process becomes
> ubiquitous, and the means of manufacture become distributed and
> democratized.
> What will we do when product design files start hitting these peer to peer
> networks of sharing. The equivalent of ripping a CD and burning it for a
> friend?
> Or when a disgruntled Industrial Designer leaks the CAD files for the
> latest gizmo onto Demonoid <http://www.demonoid.com/> or Pirate Bay<http://thepiratebay.org/>,
> and suddenly anyone with access to a Makerbot <http://www.makerbot.com/>can print one themselves?
> Can or will Shapeways <http://www.shapeways.com/> analyse a design and
> refuse to 3D print it if it is seen to infringe a design copyright, or have
> an encryption denoting it a pirate ‘illegal’ 3D file?
> Will Marc Newson <http://www.marc-newson.com/> pull a Metallica<http://www.shreddingradio.com/metallica.html>and try and sue one of his fans if they 3D print one of his doorstoppers
> because it deprives him from income?
> [image: ipod-comp]
> How long till we see the likes of Ikea hacks<http://blog.ponoko.com/2009/07/29/surtido-de-mutaciones-vs-ikea/>take on the form of musical mash-ups when two digital files are combined?
> Like Deiter Rams Radio vs Jonathan Ive’s iPod<http://gizmodo.com/343641/1960s-braun-products-hold-the-secrets-to-apples-future>in a mutant device. Will we see The
> Grey Album <http://www.illegal-art.org/audio/grey.html> with an
> Artist/designer taking claim (and responsibility/liability) for a product
> mash-up or will we see anonymous designers posting ‘white label’ designs so
> as to avoid prosecution.
> Would or could Tatty Devine<http://www.tattydevine.com/boutique/index.php>sue
> Ponoko <http://www.ponoko.com/> if they sell a designers jewelry if it is
> a copy, that has been changed ever so slightly, and is this a form of
> illegal mass-customization?
> I would love to hear any feedback to these questions, and what direction,
> action or acceptance we will take?
> <http://api.tweetmeme.com/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.ponoko.com%2F2009%2F10%2F04%2Fproduct-designs-on-pirate-bay%2F>
>  Things you can do from here:
>    - Subscribe to Ponoko - Blog<http://www.google.com/reader/view/feed%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2FPonoko?source=email>using
>    *Google Reader*
>    - Get started using Google Reader<http://www.google.com/reader/?source=email>to easily keep up with
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