[p2p-research] Urgent Need for Blair?

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Thu Oct 8 11:54:49 CEST 2009

> apart from the little detail of being a war criminal, who would in my mind
> discredit the whole EU institution, I do agree ... without the Iraq lies and
> manipulations, he would have been pretty good as far as politicians go ...
> Michel
Here in the UK, Blair is a divisive figure - hated by the right for the 
few progressive-leaning tendencies he has, hated by much of the left for 
the right-wing policies he championed.  Distrusted over Iraq...
I feel there is also the often overlooked issues of the anti-democratic 
nature of much of his actions; the invasion of Iraq being a good example 
but also the 'deal' he and Brown had over handing the reigns of power 
over to him - seemingly not thinking that something as trite as an 
election should perhaps be involved?

If Blair is made EU president and if the upcoming Iraq war inquiry 
really does it's job - could look very bad....


Tomas Rawlings
Development Director, FluffyLogic Development Ltd.
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