[p2p-research] Distributed Manufacturing Contest

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 19:54:09 CEST 2009

  Sent to you by Kevin Carson via Google Reader: Distributed
Manufacturing Contest via The Blog of Jeff Vail - Litigation, Resilient
Systems, Risk Management, Sustainability by Jeff Vail on 10/7/09
Appologies for the slow posting of late--I anticipate more time issues
in my life over the the next month or so (ASPO conference this weekend,
baby due in two weeks, more "real" work than I can handle at the
moment). That said, the good people at Ponoko were kind enough to offer
me a coupon for free use of their system thanks to my article last week
mentioning them (I have no financial/other relationship with Ponoko,
and as the comments to that post point out, they're just one of many
different faces of the coming distributed manufacturing revolution).

So... since I clearly don't have time to design something at the
moment, I'm going to hold my first ever blog contest. If anyone is
interested, I'll offer my Ponoko coupon to the person that comes up
with the best "primary goods" design (see last week's article for
definition of "primary," but basically I'm looking for something that
will increase localized self-sufficiency and resiliency). All I ask is
that the winner send me a picture of the final product that I can post
here. Submissions can come in any format (I don't need the actual file
format used by Ponoko for input), and can be posted in the comments or
emailed to me. Deadline is the end of October.

Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to The Blog of Jeff Vail - Litigation, Resilient Systems,
Risk Management, Sustainability using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites
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