[p2p-research] p2p giving

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Mon Oct 5 17:58:44 CEST 2009

> So, then we will see more charitable spending on community (outside of 
> churches with creedal tests), or we'll see more spending on more types of 
> social media or more spending on new types of physical infrastructure.
There is an embryonic plan here in Bristol to create some kind of a 
local p2p media foundation to raise funds, do research and enable p2p 
solutions to media.  I'll keep you all posted about that.

Also a plug for a p2p-type charity microfinance organisation set-up by a 
former colleague of mine...


Tomas Rawlings
Development Director, FluffyLogic Development Ltd.
web: www.fluffylogic.net
tel: 0117 9442233 
Also see:
blog on film & interweb: www.plugincinema.com
blog on p2p, media ecology & evolution: blog.catbot.org
tweet: www.twitter.com/arclightfire

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