[p2p-research] New website about active citizenship and other issues more or less close to P2P

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Mon Oct 5 08:42:15 CEST 2009

Greetings, everybody.

I have just started a new bilingual website aimed to present certain
concepts and news to the general public, in SMALL chunks (1/2 printed
pages, top) and in the SIMPLEST possible language. It doesn't overlap
at all with most of the excellent websites and articles usually
mentioned on lists like this, for the simple reason that those are
almost always written for, or read by, people who already deeply care
and/or have or want to acquire a solid background on certain themes.

I, instead, want to try to reach other people, those who don't
normally read more than 4/500 words in one day or have no interest for
technology, that still only get all news from mainstream TV stations
and maybe don't even use a computer, or are convinced that the
Internet is some weird Facebook plugin.

To explain what I mean, the copyright page (still to be translated in
English) says "no online copies of anything on this website are
permitted (*), but you are encouraged/requested to print as many
copies you want of single pages, to hand them out as brochures to all
your friends, relative, coworkers... because it's time to reach those
who can't be convinced with a link found into an email, because they
haven't email or only check it once a month"

Right now, the website has only a few articles, only in Italian, but
from next week it will start getting regular updates. You can read the
reason I'm telling you this on this list at

I'm sure you can think of many things discussed here that should be
mentioned in (at least) the "LivingWorld" and "Active Citizens"
sections. That's why I'm writing: feel encouraged in any moment to
signal here or privately possible topics, links to similar websites
(so I don't redo something already existing), remembering that the
most interesting ones for the Stop! would be things that could be done
by, or be interesting for, even somebody who's living an ordinary life
into a flat in some big city. Or thought in their children's schools.



(*) the reasons will be clear in that page, as soon as I get around to
translate it.

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