[p2p-research] Moving to blogging: Wordpress vs. Movable Type vs. other?

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Mon Oct 5 00:22:32 CEST 2009

Eugen Leitl wrote:
> For the minimalistically minded, especially emacs users there are some
> useful solutions, e.g. http://www.sfu.ca/~gswamina/EmacsWikiBlog.html
> I presume there's something similiar for vim users as well.

Another item from that site, as I start one: :-)
   "Blogs Are Dead"

I don't fully agree with the criticisms there -- especially mixing themes of 
both blogs being old technology while at the same time saying they are 
immature (both can be true, but reconciling that may lead to a different 
conclusion, like in the points I raise about improvements I'd like to see in 
a p2p-oriented communications tool).

Unlike that writer, I think chronology is a good way to organize things, and 
even search for things, as long as it is not the only way to organize and 

But I do agree that this idea mentioned there of a convergence between blogs 
and wikis is a good point. And Wordpress, with the ability to add general 
pages, is an example.

As with the p2p foundation, there is a mix of needs. One need is to 
continually consolidate our collective current understanding of things 
(wiki) and the other is a sequence of commentaries about what is going on 
right now (blog) perhaps supervised by one point of control. This is perhaps 
another example of meshwork (wiki?) and hierarchy (blog?) balance.

--Paul Fernhout

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