[p2p-research] Moving to blogging: Wordpress vs. Movable Type vs. other?

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Sun Oct 4 18:25:26 CEST 2009

On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 12:05:01PM -0400, Paul D. Fernhout wrote:

> While I'm not a big fan of "security through obscurity", one can trade off 
> a smaller community against being a smaller target. That's another reason I 
> thought about just doing my own system.

I presume you can find a decent wiki (I use MoinMoin) blog or CMS package
in the favourite (Python or Common Lisp) secure language of your choice
without having to roll your own.
> Anyway, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of possible choices 
> for blogging and CMS (beyond writing my own), and at least a dozens or two 

For the minimalistically minded, especially emacs users there are some
useful solutions, e.g. http://www.sfu.ca/~gswamina/EmacsWikiBlog.html
I presume there's something similiar for vim users as well.

> of them are established systems in various programming languages with big 
> communities as a CMS/blog. Python alone has a list of dozens of blogging 
> packages. So, it's hard to pick one. It involves both understanding the 
> landscape of possibilities and understanding the landscape of your personal 
> needs, and then figuring out possible matches (even multiple matches, as in 
> the p2p foundation case which uses both Wordpress and MediaWiki). And, as 
> you also mention, one can also go with a purely hosted solution where 
> someone else worries about these things (assuming they do, and assuming you 
> can still have your own domain?).

I think such hosting plans exist, and you likely can point your existing
domain to your provider's DNS servers (I certainly offer such, though largely
to friends and friends' friends).

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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