[p2p-research] Fwd: Welcome to Hyperlocavore - A free yard sharing community

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 17:14:14 CEST 2009

 * What is a ‘hyperlocavore’?*

*A hyperlocavore is a person who tries to eat as much food as locally as
possible. Growing your own is as local as it gets!*


Introduction to hyperlocavore.com a free yard sharing community.


*- find a yard to share
- find gardeners to grow with
- start a neighborhood produce exchange
- share tools, skills and time
- start a community garden
- help your faith group feed hungry people
- learn self sufficiency
- make your community more resilient
- find gardening help
- tasty recipes
- inspiration*


* What is a ‘hyperlocavore’?*

*A hyperlocavore is a person who tries to eat as much food as locally as
possible. Growing your own is as local as it gets!*

*What is ‘yardsharing’?*

*Yard sharing is an arrangement between people to share skills and gardening
resources; space, time, strength, tools or skills, in order to grow food as
locally as possible, to make neighborhoods resilient, kids healthy and food
much cheaper!

Why would I want to set up a yardsharing group?*

*Yard sharing is a way to connect people who love to garden, people who love
healthy fresh food and people who have yards!*

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hyperlocavore - A free yard sharing community <
mail at hyperlocavore.ning.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 4:46 PM
Subject: Welcome to Hyperlocavore - A free yard sharing community
To: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>

Welcome to Hyperlocavore - A free yard sharing community!

I am so happy you decided to join us! This choice tells me you are an
adventurous doer and a practical optimist! We are very lucky to have you.

First, be sure to whitelist mail from hyperlocavore.com and
hyperlocavore.ning.com. Some spam filters are mistakenly blocking our

We only opened the doors in January 09. The yard sharing idea is so new that
I really need your help in getting the word out. Please take a moment to
invite your friends, family and neighbors, wherever they are - Spain, Maine,
Tobago, Boulder, Shanghai! They may not be able to share a yard with you,
but maybe one of our other hyperlocavores is in the same town! Send out
invites using the INVITE FOLKS tab. The power of this network is very
dependent on how many people belong to it, know about it, and share the

I want to let you know about the videos on the front page. They are players
actually and there are about 50-100 videos in each one. There's an
Inspiration set, full of awesome people doing amazing things. There's a DIY
section full of projects that will help you save money and grow more food.
And there's a Big Picture set, full of videos about why it is so important
that our communities become more resilient and better fed and a group of
cooking videos called The Agnostic Cooking Show, named because it covers all
kinds of culinary approaches. I've really enjoyed curating them and add new
ones all the time. Send me a link if you find something out there that you
think I should feature!

On my profile page (LizM) you will find a "What Should I Write About"
suggestion box. I am always looking for new blog topics that would be
helpful to you! Feel free to suggest something.

To be sure that you are getting the correct email notifications from
hyperlocavore.com, go to your personal profile. On the right side will be a
link called SETTINGS. Click there, and then look for the EMAIL link on the
left side of the next screen. Set and save your email notifications
preferences there, so that you will know when someone is trying to
communicate with you on hyperlocavore.com

People are asking questions in the forums - we need your expertise and

A brief pitch. We support hyperlocavore.com via advertising and bookselling.
We try to link you to local resources whenever possible. For instance,
shopping for books via our BOOKSTORE sends you to independent book sellers
in your area. When you buy books in our bookstore, you are helping us stay

Also note the FEEDBACK button on the right side of the screen! That goes to
our GET SATISFACTION user support site. Make a noise! Let me know how to
improve your experience. It means the world to me you are here, and I'd like
to keep you around! I can respond there and others can benefit from our

Many of our users blog here. Please blog, post pictures of your gardens and
yard share groups, post videos. If you blog though, please stay on topic.
Those topics include sustainability, DIY, growing stuff, your experience
yard sharing or tips in starting or maintaining a group, cooking, local
resilience, local resources, local community, preserving the harvest, going
green, homesteading...and lots of other stuff in this area. Please do not
simply use the blog to promote a non related business. That said if your
business IS related, please do use the blog to tell us about it! Maybe you
are a yard share farmer, or a locavore chef, or maybe you are a community
organizer and want to bring yard sharing to your community. Let us all know
what you are up to!

Lastly I want to let you know that we are here to support community
organizations, schools and faith communities in getting yard sharing going
in their communities. Please get in touch if you represent an organization
looking to start it up in your area. We can set you up for free, in minutes

Happy Digging!

Liz McLellan (LizM)
twitter me @hyperlocavore

You can sign in using your email address here:

Hyperlocavore - A free yard sharing community
Join hyperlocavore to find or start a yard share in your town. CSAs and
community gardens fill up fast. Food is expensive! Grow together!
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