[p2p-research] Moving to blogging: Wordpress vs. Moveable Type vs. other?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 08:15:27 CEST 2009

I can only say that I feel very happy with wordpress, which we are only
using at 5% capacity ... there's plenty of plugins for more specialized
usages ...

perhaps others are even better, but I don't think it would disappoint you


On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 12:17 AM, Paul D. Fernhout <
pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com> wrote:

> This is essentially a very basic p2p question. :-)
> I've decided to start my own blog or blogs on the "jobless recovery" and
> "post-scarcity" themes I've talked about here and elsewhere.
> This is partly because a few people have suggested I start a blog
> in the past (including to declutter mailing lists from my long posts :-),
> and partly for creating some sort of related revenue stream, advertising,
> donations, consulting, t-shirt sales, sponsorship, or who knows. Basically,
> it would just be a reorganization of stuff I have posted here (thanks to
> all
> for helping improve these ideas), on the open manufacturing list or related
> lists, and on my own website, but maybe (hopefully) written a little more
> simply and engagingly, and maybe with some podcasts and other media.
> Probably I'll put it all under the CC-BY license (except any fair use
> parts).
> I've already registered some related domain names.
> So, the next question is technology.
> I see p2pfoundation uses Wordpress for the blog and MediaWiki for content.
> My hosting provider makes Moveable Type an easy install and they will
> maintain it (there is a about a US$3 monthly charge for it, as it is the
> commercial version, but mostly I like the idea of someone else worrying
> about security patches). Wordpress is entirely free. Moveable Type has both
> an open source and a commercial version, as well as a recent fork from part
> of the community. Maybe there is the slippery ethical slope to begin with
> of
> using a paid version of mostly free software?
> Here is one comparison:
> http://ithemes.com/wordpress-versus-movable-type-the-smackdown-comparison/
> A pro Wordpress review:
> http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com/120/choosing-the-best-blog-software-wordpress-is-winning/
> Of course, as a programmer, I want to write my own stuff based on my
> previous Pointrel Social Semantic Desktop ideas, :-) but I'm trying to
> resist that temptation, especially now that Google Wave is out and hogging
> all the thought cycles. Essentially, Wordnet, RDF, and GoogleWave cover the
> thoughtspace of much of what I've wanted to do with technical
> infrastructure, even if it is hard to let go of my own dreams and specific
> ideas, and Google Wave still misses some key ideas I've worked towards
> (like dynamically overlapping semantic spaces).
> Any comments on good blogging software these days for a bigger site,
> hopefully allowing comments, and maybe with more than one blog? Bloxsom?
>  http://www.blosxom.com/plugins/
> Something else?
> Maybe I should even figure out how to use Google Wave to do blogging? But
> that sounds kind of "bleeding edge" at the moment, even though it has a lot
> of good ideas and with Google behind it, is likely to be pretty good
> eventually with broad adoption.
> I'm even open to running something on a Virtual Private Server (VPS).
> I've been looking at Seaside, but I don't like the default (not clean)
> URLs.
> http://www.seaside.st/
> But that's a general programming platform too, and I like Smalltalk coding:
> http://onsmalltalk.com/screencast-how-to-build-a-blog-in-15-minutes-with-seaside
> "OK, I'll make this short and sweet. Here's a screencast of me building a
> super simple blog in Seaside in 15 minutes, similar to the Ruby demo
> screencast. "
> And there is Zope and many other larger frameworks with blogs as part of
> them somehow (several ones that are either Java based or Python based). I'm
> a programmer, so if it's a bit technical or rough to install, it's OK.
> Anyway, what do people here think is the state-of-the-art in p2p blogging?
> And are any suggestings more cutting edge or more bleeding edge?
> --Paul Fernhout
> http://www.pdfernhout.net/
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