[p2p-research] Moving to blogging: Wordpress vs. Movable Type vs. other?

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Sun Oct 4 04:22:31 CEST 2009

Someone has recommended to me to Drupal.

This makes me realize that a larger issue is really blog vs. CMS (Content 
Management System):
"For me, these three differences (structure, purpose, function) are the 
primary ones I worked through when thinking about the best fit for the sites 
I was designing (CMS or Blog engine?). Of course, from the title of this 
series you should’ve guessed by now that the sites I designed were more 
suited to a CMS than a blog engine. If so, then why did I go with Wordpress 
as the core for their design? In the next article I’m going to answer that 


Again, the p2pfoundation has Wordpress for the blog (and maybe some 
content?) and MediaWiki essentially as a wiki-oriented CMS as well.

As suggested here:
I've always stuck with strait HTML pages in the past (and maybe local 
programs on my desktop for generating them, and then SCP-ing them to the 
site). I actually like that, and there are packages that help with that one 
could use, although making a site *interactive* with comments or polls and 
so on is a different requirement, and entails some sort of script running on 
the server.

I've often mused about the Pointrel system as a content publishing system, 
where people develop all content using programs in Java on their desktop, 
but then send them to archives or web sites to share them. So, in that 
system, you would compose a website comment locally, and then publish it to 
someone else's site that allows comments. But Google Wave is doing something 
like that now for real (although it is browser/javascript based, not Java 
application based).

--Paul Fernhout

Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
> Interesting related link:
>   "Live Blogging With Google Wave, iDEA"
> http://www.offlineblog.net/2009/09/live-blogging-with-google-wave-and-wordpress-idea/ 
> "Want to cover an event through Live Blogging  ? Google Wave is all you 
> need for Live blogging using Wordpress (or any other blogging or CMS 
> platform like Drupal and Joomla ). Read on, to know how this can be done."
> --Paul Fernhout
> http://www.pdfernhout.net/
> Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
>> I'm starting to think a better question to be asking is, what 
>> questions should I be asking about today's blogging software?
>> So much to choose from, even just in Python:
>>   http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBlogSoftware
>> A better question is, what issues should I consider to make a good 
>> choice?
>> --Paul Fernhout
>> http://www.pdfernhout.net/
>> Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
>>> I see I misspelled "Movable Type" several times. :-) Plus "suggestions".
>>> --Paul Fernhout
>>> http://www.pdfernhout.net/
>>> Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
>>>> This is essentially a very basic p2p question. :-)
>>>> [snip]
>>>> Anyway, what do people here think is the state-of-the-art in p2p 
>>>> blogging? And are any suggestions more cutting edge or more bleeding 
>>>> edge?

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