[p2p-research] Fwd: Tikkun Daily Blog Digest

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 04:08:21 CEST 2009


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alana Price <magazine at tikkun.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 7:36 AM
Subject: Tikkun Daily Blog Digest
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

   Check out our daily blog on the
join the 646 people who have signed up for either a daily or weekly
digest via email!

The digests include links to all of the day's posts, along with short
excerpts. Follow the links to join our lively spiritual progressive
community and post your own thoughts in the comment threads.

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Here's a sampling of recent posts from Tikkun
its interfaith team of bloggers:

  Spiritual Wisdom of the
Sep 22, 2009 03:04 pm | Rabbi Michael Lerner

This week's spiritual wisdom comes from composer Gary Malkin, president of
Wisdom of the World, who wrote this piece on April 18, 2009: Global Peace
Prayer Mother, Father, God, Goddess Ancestors and Spirits of the Land Artist
of the Cosmos Source of all that is Creator of Music, Beauty, Comfort, and
Inspiration Author of Clarity, Courage, Discernment and Illumination Mother
of all things alive, ...
 Israel as Idolatry<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=wh4wuqABkGtbafjZwQ2gxfeyFuLDnSr%2B>
Sep 21, 2009 05:25 pm | Rabbi Michael Lerner

Blind loyalty to Israel is the primary form of idolatry today in the Jewish
world. Go into any synagogue in the US or Israel and you can tell people
that you don't believe in God, don't observe the commands of Torah, don't
observe the Sabbath, or even that you plan to be eating a pig sandwich ...
 Let's hear it for nonviolent bank
Sep 29, 2009 11:19 am | Dave Belden

Amazing article in my local newspaper about a national phenomenon I had
totally missed: a nonprofit out of Massachusetts called NACA (Neighborhood
Assistance Corporation of America) has been organizing massive mortgage
restructuring events across the country. NACA's Save the Dream tour has
become a nationwide phenomenon, drawing more than 180,000 desperate people
this summer to gigs ...
 Health Care Reform Must Eliminate the Profit Motive from Medical
Sep 24, 2009 01:46 pm | Rabbi Michael Lerner

President Obama told Congress he would not sign a health care bill that
added any amount to the national debt - a criterion he does not use when
considering escalating war in Afghanistan or bailouts to banks. In a recent
article for Tikkun, Dr. Arnold Relman argues that there is no way to meet
that criterion ...
 Unlimited Abundance: The Art of Lanell
Sep 23, 2009 02:54 pm | Phillip Barcio

"Answers are limiting." - Lanell Dike Years into a successful career as a
fundraiser, Lanell Dike informed the people in her life that she was leaving
her job to live on her savings and create art. Having no formal training as
an artist, Lanell sought advice from experts on how to make a living in her

 Congressman Lujan Speaks on Medicare for
Sep 27, 2009 03:38 pm | Lauren Reichelt

I had the opportunity to interview New Mexico Congressman Ben Ray Lujan in
his Washington office on Thursday September 17. Limited internet access
while traveling, unfamiliarity with mp3 files, Rosh Hashanah and the
complete failure of our household plumbing conspired to prevent me from
posting the interview and transcript until today. I apologize in advance ...

 Debating Hinduism - What Radicals and Progressives Could Think
Sep 23, 2009 11:32 pm | Murli Natrajan

This is a link to a post of my responses to many comments that have appeared
as response to my piece on Mussolini's Hindus and how to battle them in the
latest Tikkun available here. Some of my comments are also as a follow-up to
the "hate mails" that were posted on this site in ...
 Body of the Gujarati
Sep 28, 2009 02:05 pm | Nancy Vedder-Shults

Today an email arrived that bowled me over. It's from Shailja Patel. I love
the synchronicity of its arrival. Balmurli Natrajan has been blogging about
Hindu fascism from a secular perspective. Shailja Patel enlarges that point
of view by adding a Goddess perspective. It's especially appropriate to post
this letter today, for as Shailja states, ...
 Congress: Support Our Troops - Investigate
Sep 23, 2009 07:57 pm | Craig Wiesner

This morning I woke up at "Oh Dark Thirty" (5:30am for you civilians) and by
6:34 was on a train heading to San Mateo for a meeting with staffers of
Representative Jackie Speier (D - California) to talk about torture. The
organizer of this gathering (BARCAT - Bay Area Religious Campaign Against
Torture) had asked ...

 Openness about brokenness … and
Sep 28, 2009 09:23 pm | Dave Belden

I have been lucky this summer to be a partial witness to an upheaval at a
church in Oakland. I have written here before about what this church has
meant to me: For some months this winter I was feeling more emotionally and
spiritually depleted than I think at any time since my early twenties … ...
 Women's Happiness<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=4o6bGFpy53UMMb%2FRWdTF4PeyFuLDnSr%2B>
Sep 25, 2009 05:50 pm | Nancy Vedder-Shults

Marcus Buckingham has caused a stir in the blogosphere by reporting on the
United States General Social Survey about American women's happiness. The
long and short of it is that women are unhappier than they were 40 years ago
(and men are happier). Nobody can figure this out. People have their own pet
theories (See ...

 Gender as the Focal Point of Cross-Cultural
Sep 23, 2009 01:14 pm | Asma Uddin

Louise Cankar, an assistant professor of sociology at Marquette University,
recently published a book in which she argues that, while anti-Muslim
suspicion existed prior to 9/11, 9/11 created an environment in which
hostility toward Muslims could thrive and their political and social
exclusion could be legitimated by both the government and nativist
Americans. ...
 Religious pluralism and civic belonging in the United
Sep 25, 2009 10:37 am | Charles Gelman

At The Immanent Frame, Richard Amesbury explores the role of
denominationalism in the formation of religious identities and
configurations of "civic belonging" in the United States.
 Zeitoun: You Will Really Love this
Sep 24, 2009 05:30 pm | Peter Marmorek

Dave (peerless leader) Belden writes: And other Tikkun Daily bloggers,
please post about your own recommendations now and then if you have them
(tag them "recommended novels" so we can find them when story-hungry later).
I've got my library card. I'm ready. And that's an offer I can't refuse.
I've already blogged about Robert Wright's ...

 Production Time at
Sep 26, 2009 12:30 pm | Dave Belden

We are in the last ten days now of producing the next print issue of Tikkun.
We've been getting compliments on how good the magazine has been looking
graphically lately (for which our thanks especially to Sabiha Basrai, our
designer - seen here with her colleagues at Design Action, and don't neglect
to run your ...

 Good and Evil, Us and
Sep 23, 2009 09:41 am | Peter Marmorek

Do you know Uri Avnery? He's the founder of the Israeli peace group Gush
Shalom (and so much more), and on their website he's recently posted a
remarkable piece of writing on the Israeli boycott, and on the struggle
against militarism in Israel. What makes it truly wonderful is his insight
into the dangers of ...
 When Government Employees Truly
Sep 23, 2009 01:03 am | Dave Belden

Imagine that government services were designed and delivered by people who
really care. Wouldn't that have been so attractive we would have had
universal healthcare by now? But what does it mean to really care for the
people who receive government services? My friend Chase knows what it means
for her in her office. She is a ...
 Was Kosovo the Good
Sep 21, 2009 04:09 pm | Dave Belden

A riveting to and fro has developed around David Gibbs' article "Was Kosovo
the Good War?" in the July/August Tikkun. Responding on our site Roger
Lippman, the editor of Balkan Witness, has strongly objected to what he
considers Gibb's anti-Serb attitude. Lippman is a long-time social change
activist and in 1970 was a co-defendant, with ...

 Religion for radicals: an interview with Terry
Sep 18, 2009 05:41 pm | Charles Gelman

At The Immanent Frame, Nathan Schneider interviews Terry Eagleton, author of
*Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate*, on the
inextricability of religion and politics, and the possibility of
constructing an iteration of Christianity relevant to contemporary radicals
and humanists.

Watch the Number of US Healthcare Casualties Grow
Sep 18, 2009 05:18 pm | Derrick Kikuchi

"Nearly 45,000 people die in the United States each year - one every 12
minutes - in large part because they lack health insurance and can not get
good care, Harvard Medical School researchers found in an analysis released
on Thursday." - Reuters, September 17th, 2009 At this rate, from the
beginning of 2009 to the ...
 Town Hall Blues<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=rgPKRdHs%2BM34Q7vQADVn%2BfeyFuLDnSr%2B>
Sep 18, 2009 02:29 pm | Miki Kashtan

"I don't want this country to become another socialized country like
Russia." These were the words of a woman in a Pennsylvania town hall meeting
with Senator Arlen Specter. What is important to this woman? What is behind
her concern? What are the dreams and aspirations from which this statement
arises? "Health care for all." These ...

 Podhoretz and Lerner<http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Q8dsNvpFmxUq6LGX4b9WcfeyFuLDnSr%2B>
Sep 18, 2009 12:29 pm | Dave Belden

Zach Dorfman thought I should make my long comment on his post into a post
itself. Here it is with an introduction. It gets longer and longer. This
concerns a new book by Norman Podhoretz, the leading neo-con before there
were neo-cons. Podhoretz may bore the pants off longtime Tikkun readers but
new ones may like ...
 Jewish in identity, Christian in faith, and Catholic in religious
Sep 17, 2009 05:31 pm | Dave Belden

That's how Meredith Gould describes herself. The Pew people tell us that 28%
of Americans have left the faith in which they were raised in favor of
another religion - or no religion at all. If you count people shifting
denominations within Protestantism it's 44%. Who better than these people to
teach their religion of ...

 Will Slightly Worn Shoes Break the Blockade and Reach the Rachel Corrie
Ramadan Football
Sep 17, 2009 04:14 pm | Craig Wiesner

My friends at the Rebuilding Alliance are struggling to get slightly-worn
tennis shows past the Gaza blockade and onto the feet of soccer players in
Rafah. Donna Baranski-Walker, founder and executive-Director of the
Rebuilding Alliance, just sent an email to all her supporters and posted
news on Huffington Post, letting us know that folks carrying ...
 Ethical Wills in Inter-Religious Dialogue and
Sep 17, 2009 02:31 pm | Joshua Stanton

This article was published earlier today in Sightings, a publication of the
Martin Marty Center at the University of Chicago's Divinity school. It is
reproduced here with permission from the author (me) and Sightings . "Have
you ever had a life-altering experience or an experience that changed your
life?" I was stuck on question ...

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