[p2p-research] Interface: a journal for and about social movements, Issue two: "civil society vs social movements"

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 28 06:40:20 CET 2009


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 13:18:59 +0000
From: Laurence Cox <Laurence.Cox at nuim.ie>
Subject: [Networked Politics] Interface issue two now out
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- apologies for crossposting -

Interface: a journal for and about social movements

Issue two: "civil society vs social movements"

The second issue of Interface, a peer-reviewed e-journal produced and
refereed by social movement practitioners and engaged movement
researchers, is now available at
<http://www.interfacejournal.net/>www.interfacejournal.net on the
special theme of "civil society vs social movements": the different
relationships between movements, NGOs and other forms of organising.

Interface is open-access, global (with articles from South Africa,
Brazil, Thailand, Angola, Central and Eastern Europe, the USA and
western Europe in this issue) and programmatically multilingual (this
issue has pieces in 4 languages). Our overall aim is to "learn from
each other's struggles": to develop a dialogue between researchers
and practitioners, but also between different social movements,
intellectual traditions and national contexts.

This issue of Interface includes 19 pieces and 357 pages, including

- Activist interview with S'bu Zikode (Abahlali baseMjondolo)

- Peer-reviewed articles: Michael Punch on community organising in
Dublin, Beppe de Sario on grassroots voluntary activism in post-1977
Turin, Prado, Machado and Carmona on LGBTQ struggles in Brazil,
Grzegorz Piotrowski on civil society in Central and Eastern Europe,
Jenny Payne on feminist media and Piotr Konieczyny on Wikipedia as
social movement

- Action notes: Giles Ungpakorn on the collusion of Thai NGOs with
royalism, Carlos Figueiredo on Angolan civil society, Christof
Mackinger on the criminalisation of animal rights activism and Anja
Eickelberg on educational campaigns in Brazil

- Key documents: Peter Waterman on global labour organising and
Michael Neocosmos on rethinking militancy in Africa

- Reviews of Incite! Women of color against violence, The revolution
will not be funded; Heidi Swarts, Organizing urban America;  Anna
Schober, Ironie, Montage und Verfremdung; and GL Francione, Animals
as persons.

Interface is keen to find IT collaborators who can help us make the
site more useful and accessible to movement activists, and
translators to support our multilingual project; for more details see

We are also looking for activists or academics interested in helping
out, particularly with our African, Arab world, South Asian,
Spanish-speaking Latin American, East and Central European, and
Oceania / SE Asian groups. For more details please see

A call for papers for issue three is now open, on the theme of
"crises, social movements and revolutionary transformations"
(deadline January 1 2010). We can review and publish articles in
Afrikaans, Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German,
Hungarian, Italian, Maltese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Zulu. Full details at

Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested.

Department of Sociology
National University of Ireland, Maynooth
Co. Kildare
Republic of Ireland

Tel. (+353-1) 708 3985
email: laurence.cox at nuim.ie

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html - Think thank:

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Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

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