[p2p-research] Thanks for: Suggestions wanted for education to p2p practices and attitude

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 15:15:11 CET 2009

I was going to ask Paul to formalize his article as well,

so let's do it for zona first, and after a few days, we can
co-publish/excerpt it on the p2p blog,


On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 9:12 PM, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 08:52:52 AM -0500, Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
> > My analysis of the OLPC project:
> Paul,
> before I answer, would it be OK for you if the two of us continued
> this discussion off list in order to transform what we're saying in an
> interview for http://stop.zona-m.net ? That would be great for me, of
> course, because I do need the money from the ads in every article I put
> there. If you prefer to put it on the P2P blog or at www.olpcnews.com,
> instead, that's completely OK with me of course, what matters is to
> spread the word.
> This said, may I observe that all you wrote in the first part seems to
> prove my point?  Especially this:
> > * The hardware focus was misplaced. Software really was where it was
> > at. A simple reading tutorial program and a simple math tutorial
> > program that were self-paced would have probably been a bigger net
> > benefit.
> which I take the liberty to decode as "ANY computer would have done
> the trick, there was no need to make( or start from) a whole new
> computer, and to make such a big epiphany of it"
> > More than US$20 million dollars was spent on the OLPC project just
> > for hardware development and software infrastructure like Sugar.  I
> > think it has very little to show for it in that sense
> Same here. Giving software based edu-tool to each single children =
> good, if done right and starting from there. OLPC "sold" as
> _absolutely_necessary_ and a saviour of the world =bad, hype,
> unnecessary.
> > older cellphones that could be repurposed (some people edit
> > Wikipedia from their cellphones), and maybe even reprogrammed as
> > terminals with a local network.
> This is one of the things that made me pay attention to OLE, cfr their
> program:
> http://stop.zona-m.net/active-citizens/plan-universal-basic-education-discussed-kathmandu
> they accept any hardware that will do the job, and are indeed very
> interested in cellphones as personal edu-terminals. And people are
> already doing these things anyway, google for Wannigame to see what I
> mean.
> Must leave now. Later,
>                        Marco
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