[p2p-research] A depressed neighborhood in Dallas, Texas Revisualized as a Sustainable Community

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Thu Nov 26 15:54:47 CET 2009

Ryan Lanham wrote:
> http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/11/25/forwarding-dallas-wins-revision-dallas-competition/

A book from 1993 I found inspirational a long time ago:
"Ecocity Berkeley" by Richard Register
"Ecocity Berkeley offers innovative city planning solutions that would work 
anywhere, but the book offers a vision of what the future can be like with a 
fair amount of planning beforehand. This book is very inspirational, and 
could be used to advocate similar planning improvements in any large city. 
This book is meant for anyone interested in environmental activism, and 
anyone looking for serious innovations in their city."

People have been wanting to do this kind of stuff for a long time.

By the way, on that design which seems to have some tall buildings, Jane 
Jacobs suggests that architeture higher than three of four stories is 
problematical socially as far as community safety (it is beyond the height 
where you can shout down onto the street). Philadelphia was praised by her 
for its lower buildings.

--Paul Fernhout

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