[p2p-research] Peak globalization

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 21:39:55 CET 2009

>From Salon...combining a peak oil and climate change dystopic future...


Wishful thinking or apocalyptic doom forecasting? Fred
Curtis,<http://depts.drew.edu/econ/Faculty/fcurtis.html>an economist
at Drew University, has put together a mashup of peak oil,
global warming, and patterns in global trade liberalization and arrived at
the principle of "Peak
via Globalisation
and the Environment.<http://globalisation-and-the-environment.blogspot.com/2009/11/peak-globalisation-and-peak-oil.html>)
A double whammy of higher energy costs and extreme climate events will
disrupt global transportation patterns, reversing the historical trend
towards greater and greater levels of global trade and forcing a process of
"relocalization" -- "The major implication is that supply chains will become
shorter for most products and that production of goods will be relocated
closer to where they are consumed, although this will happen neither quickly
nor easily."

And there's nothing we can do about it.

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