[p2p-research] P2PU - Peer2PeerUniversity

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 01:44:32 CET 2009

Thank you for sharing Franz,

I have the feeling it might be interesting to see what projects might relate
to such kind of approach,
but perhaps do not define themselves as p2p university.

When googling p2p foundation on the topic, I find :



By the way, I would also like to suggest " Traveling School of Life ":


*" The Travelling School of Life is a global education network connecting
people who want to share their knowledge and resources. You yourself decide
which subjects, at which time, in which place, with which people, using
which methods and for which reason you want to learn with and from each

*Our website is currently being rebuilt. So you can currently choose between

   - *The old wiki, somewhat outdated<http://wiki.tsolife.org/Category:English>
   - *The new website, still under

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 11:29 AM, Franz Nahrada <f.nahrada at reflex.at> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I dont know if that was already subject here, but I did not find an entry
> in the P2P resource wiki and if so we seem to have missed something really
> important.
> I made an entry:
> http://p2pfoundation.net/P2PU
> sorry if it was already covered. I could not find out because the current
> search function in the P2PWiki is extremely limited.
> Its very interesting that there is already a certain degree of support for
> this endavour, from the UC at Irvine, the Shuttleworth foundation and
> similar endavours.
> ----
> I am not reading this list (p2p research) too often due to overwhelming
> other stuff and lack of time, but I use the opportunity to give a short
> report and account on whats happening here in Vienna. I can relate to the
> Idea of P2PUniversity in manifold ways. One is that the current academic
> system is in a deep crisis which has only been exposed by the Bologna
> reforms. Its a historical coincidence that the wave of global student
> protests has started here in Vienna, but this gave me a lot of
> opportunities to get some reality check on this crisis. Together with
> Andreas Exner and others I intervened with a joint workshop in the
> Auditorium Maximum with the participation of about 100 students on a
> "Solidarity Economy of the University". We are just at the beginning of a
> process here discussing how academic structures can be broken up
> (especially concerning breaking the wall to adult education) and turned
> into a living element of social self-organisation and social self-support,
> forming a joint blog at http://massenuni.blogsport.de (in German).
> That said, I can also report that our own little "university" endavour is
> also moving forward to a certain degree; we have lots of participation
> interest in our small workshop on VideoBridging and the Virtual University
> of the Villages.
> http://www.dorfwiki.org/wiki.cgi?VideoBridge/GrundtvigWorkshop "Streaming,
> Sharing and Learning (SSL) – The options for and the use of Interactive
> Digital Video over long distances in adult education".  The selection
> process is almost done. I never dared to dream that we would have such
> demand. People sacrifice almost 2 weeks of their precious time for that,
> We managed to pull together a dream team, a fantastic group. look here:
> http://www.dorfwiki.org/wiki.cgi?VideoBridge/GrundtvigWorkshop/Participants
>  (in progress)   We will most likely be able to arrange a distributed
> stream on January the 25th 6 pm afternoon Vienna time so we can practicly
> demonstrate what we are talking about. Help in all form is welcome; we
> will ourselves create a learning community on NING, videobridge.ning.com
> to capture the incredible wealth of informations and elements, patterns
> and processes involved. The most important element of this will be our
> coming together in the January Workshop which I hope will take the form of
> a "sprint" producing a qunatum and quality leap of learning  materials.
> Everyone who wants to join the external circle is very welcome.
> I recently had an argument with a colleague who is a full-time academic
> researcher and it led to bitter scision about the role of academic and
> non-academic research. I dont go into details, but basically I see a
> danger of the move towards the formal academic sector and its procedures
> in the P2P-Oekonux world leaving out and structurally disregarding
> goal-oriented, construction oriented research work. Lots of time is spent
> on the construction of peer reviewed journals, on procedures of
> recognition, favoring an individualistic monadic and feuilletonistic style
> of publication and activity, whilst the construction and improvement of
> joint knowledge sources is getting out of focus. I dont know if this is
> really a healthy development, all I can say is that it has had a deep
> impact on communication structures and intensities already. More than ever
> before I begin to feel the truth of Marx eleventh theses on Feuerbach.
> The academic form of science was a limiting form for me personally which
> made me drop out of academic life - just to discover that I went out of
> the frying pan into the fire. To discover that without the proper
> resources (and time is the most valuable one) any form of research is
> doomed. This weeek we are going to have the 12th General assembly of GIVE,
> the research association that I formed in 1998 as a "bootstrap community"
> to explore, design and support the emergent new lifeforms that combine
> physical proximity and embeddedness with global connection and
> cooperation. GIVE was also meant to practically represent an alternative
> to the dominant form of academic research, embedding research in practise
> of activists and stakeholders of the village building process. In a way, I
> think the idea is still  very good - whilst in reality I have not been
> able to show very much of results other than Dorfwiki, a relatively
> confusing and unreadable collection of some parallel efforts to pursue
> isolated themes. So thats the downside of the process, which also led to
> disappointments and dissolution of friendships. Its not primarily a
> personal problem, its also a problem of funding and recognition, of time
> and resources. The "deep process" of holding together an innovative and
> exploring community of practise can paradoxically only be done by
> theoreticians; but this paradox is in no way socially recognized - yet.
> Anyway, I had these associations, but if we team up with P2P university I
> think it would be a logical step.
> Franz
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