[p2p-research] Computing / Brain

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 16:20:10 CET 2009

KurzweilAI.net, Nov. 18, 2009

Results of massively parallel cortical simulations of a
cat<javascript:loadBrain('Computer Assisted Translation
(CAT)')>cortex, with 1.5 billion neurons and 9 trillion
synapse <javascript:loadBrain('Synapse')>s, running on Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory's Dawn Blue Gene/P
will be presented by IBM and LLNL researchers
today<http://sc09.supercomputing.org/files/SC09Schedule1.pdf>at the
SC09 <http://sc09.supercomputing.org/> Conference on High Performance
Network <javascript:loadBrain('Network')>ing and Computing in Portland.

"The simulations, which incorporate phenomenological spiking neurons,
individual <javascript:loadBrain('Individual')>
synapse <javascript:loadBrain('Synapse')>s, axonal delays, and dynamic
synaptic channels, exceed the scale of the
cat<javascript:loadBrain('Computer Assisted Translation
(CAT)')>cortex, marking the dawn of a new era in the scale of cortical
according to the ACM proceedings

*BlueMatter, a new algorithm <javascript:loadBrain('Algorithm')> created in
collaboration with Stanford University, exploits the Blue Gene
supercomputing architecture <javascript:loadBrain('Architecture')> in
order<javascript:loadBrain('Order')>to noninvasively measure and map
the connections between all cortical and
sub-cortical locations within the human <javascript:loadBrain('Human')>
brain <javascript:loadBrain('Brain')> using magnetic resonance diffusion
weighted imaging. Mapping the wiring diagram of the
brain<javascript:loadBrain('Brain')>is crucial to untangling its vast
communication <javascript:loadBrain('Communication')>
network<javascript:loadBrain('Network')>and understanding how it
represents and processes
information <javascript:loadBrain('Information')>.
(IBM<javascript:loadBrain('International Business Machines (IBM)')>
Research <javascript:loadBrain('Research')>)*

*Also see: IBM Moves Closer To Creating Computer Based on Insights From The
Brain <http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/28842.wss>*

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