[p2p-research] Fwd: 10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2010, from Mass Mingling to Maturialism

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 08:40:00 CET 2009

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From: trendwatching.com <newsletter at trendwatching.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 3:53 AM
Subject: 10 Crucial Consumer Trends for 2010, from Mass Mingling to
To: Kom Campiranon <k.campiranon at gmail.com>


Dear Kom,

2010 is rapidly approaching; we hope the December edition of our Trend
Briefing, detailing *10 trends for 2010*<http://trendwatching.com/briefing/>,
will assist you in getting things going (again). *Go straight to the
Briefing* <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/>, or quickly scan the 10
trends below:

*1. BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL* <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#business> |
Forget the recession: the societal changes that will dominate 2010 were set
in motion way before we temporarily stared into the abyss. *More

*2. URBANY <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#urbany>* | Urban culture is *the
*culture. Extreme urbanization, in 2010, 2011, 2012 and far beyond will lead
to more sophisticated and demanding consumers around the world. *More

*3. REAL-TIME REVIEWS <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#realtime>* |
Whatever it is you're selling or launching in 2010, it *will* be reviewed
'en masse', live, 24/7. *More »*<http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#realtime>

*4. (F)LUXURY <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#fluxury>* | Closely tied
to what constitutes status, which itself is becoming more fragmented, luxury
will be whatever consumers want it to be over the next 12 months.
*More »*<http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#fluxury>

*5. MASS MINGLING <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#massmingling>* |
Online lifestyles are fueling 'real world' meet-ups like there's no
tomorrow, shattering all predictions about a desk-bound, virtual, isolated
future. *More »* <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#massmingling>

*6. ECO-EASY <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#ecoeasy>* | To really reach
some meaningful sustainability goals in 2010, corporates and governments
will have to forcefully make it 'easy' for consumers to be more green, by
restricting the alternatives. *More

*7. TRACKING & ALERTING<http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#trackingalerting>
* | Tracking and alerting are the new search, and 2010 will see countless
new INFOLUST services that will help consumers expand their web of control.
*More »* <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#trackingalerting>

*8. EMBEDDED GENEROSITY <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#embedded>* |
Next year, generosity as a trend will adapt to the zeitgeist, leading to
more pragmatic and collaborative donation services for consumers.
*More »*<http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#embedded>

*9. PROFILE MYNING <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#profile>* | With
hundreds of millions of consumers now nurturing some sort of online profile,
2010 will be a good year to help them make the most of it (financially),
from intention-based models to digital afterlife services. *More

*10. MATURIALISM <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#maturialism>* | 2010
will be even more opinionated, risque, outspoken, if not 'raw' than 2009;
you can thank the anything-goes online world for that. Will your brand be as
daring? *More »* <http://trendwatching.com/briefing/#maturialism>

We're confident that applying the above to your business will bring you at
least one profitable, zeitgeist-compatible innovation in 2010!

Best regards,

Reinier Evers
founder, trendwatching.com
reinier at trendwatching.com


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