[p2p-research] copenhagen - green tech and open innovation

Alessandro Delfanti delfanti at sissa.it
Tue Nov 17 15:49:55 CET 2009

hello everybody,

I'm collecting material for an article aboutr green tech, patents,  
climate and open innovation i'm writing for Il Manifesto, an italian  
newspaper. the article will become part of a special issue about  
copenhagen's COP15

i think one of the most important things to stress is the possibility  
for this issue to bring more deeply into science the clash we're  
witnessing in culture (copyright vs copyleft). let's say that once  
upon a time we were anti-gene patents because evil corporation were  
stealing wealth and traditional knowledge from third world  
communities. but nowadays to be anti-patents means also to be pro-open  
innovation, something we'll soon need if we want the entire world to  
tackle climate change. people and countries have a direct interest as  
producers and innovators of green technologies.

and, ca va sans dire, the main patents' pool on green tech is held by  
the Usa and other western countries: definitely, a justice and  
development issue.

if you have any suggestion about people i should interview or data,  
experiences, stuff i should mention, please let me know

thank you

Alessandro Delfanti
ICS, Innovations in the Communication of Science
Sissa, Trieste, Italy
delfanti at sissa.it

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