[p2p-research] Letter to Conference Co-Organizers

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 08:12:53 CET 2009

Thank you Rufo for this invitation.

I do not have myself the technical skills for this type of seminar, but I'll
forward it to our network, in particular to Valentin Spirik, who is very
expert in this area and is perhaps willing to organize a workshop under our

In any case, we can certainly help in diffusing the info, so don't hesitate
to send me any or all material on  the event, at any time of your


On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 6:27 PM, rufo guerreschi
<rg at telematicsfreedom.org>wrote:

>  Dear Mr. Bauwens,
> We are sending this offer at this stage to Master New Media<http://www.masternewmedia.org/>,
> P2P Foundation<http://p2pfoundation.net/The_Foundation_for_P2P_Alternatives>and
> Kaltura <http://www.kaltura.com/>.
> We are organizing a 2-day conference followed by a week of courses and
> workshops for which we would like you to be co-organizer or partner.  Find
> attached the draft program.
> *Sustainable self-publishing and self-promotion for independent
> video producers in the era of the Internet TV.*
> In partnership with the Open Video Alliance<http://openvideoalliance.org/about/>(who organized the Open
> Video Conference <http://openvideoalliance.org/open-video-conference/> in
> NY this year). We have already applied for public funds and we have good
> expectations for private sponsoring as well.
> The conference and expert workshops will require a registration fee. We
> might have some free workshops as well. Please find attached a presentation
> of the idea and description of activities.
> We'd like to ask you not only to present a session on any "Sustainable
> Self-Publishing" argument, but also to promote one or more of your workshops
> in the event (see the attachment for the conditions) and have you as a
> co-organizer. You won't have to spend any money, but work activating your
> network of contacts to assemble a program of interest to our target audience
> under a (still) limited budget. We have sent a funding request for 20k euros
> to the Lazio Region. The whole event is currently budgeted at 84k euro. Some
> private sponsors of the OVC event are already involved  in this project
> (specially Kaltura).
> If you think it might be of interest, I can give you access to the document
> we are writing with Ben Moskowitz from OVA and add yourself in the
> organization mailing list to start discussing these ideas and share contacts
> / find private sponsors.
> PS
> 1. Our foundation uses your same quote for Bucky on the home page :-)
> 2. I am also leading this project for a huge new video production center in
> Rome (www.telematicspark.com). In fact, this conference and course want to
> be instrumental to leading emergent video producers there ...
> Regards,
> --------------------------------
> *RUFO GUERRESCHI*, exec. dir.
> Telematics Freedom Foundation
> www.telematicsfreedom.org   |   Via Boezio,6  -  00193  -  Roma
> rg <rg at telematicsfreedom.org>@telematicsfreedom.org<rg at telematicsfreedom.org>
>  | [image: Skype:]| mobile...+39.*335.75545620*   |
>  work...+39.06.32803516   |   fax...+39.06.60513110
> Social:  [image: Linkedin] <http://www.linkedin.com/in/rufoguerreschi>[image:
> Facebook] <http://www.facebook.com/rguerreschi>[image: Twitter]<http://www.twitter.com/telematics><http://feeds.feedburner.com/en-telematicsfreedom>
The ProCaster* Revolution - Draft Proposal
Sustainable self-publishing and self-promotion for independent video
producers in the era of the
Internet TV.
Rome, Proposed date: Oct 1-8, 2010
Executive Summary
The ProCaster Revolution is a two-day conference on how to create and
mantain sustainable selfpublishing
and self-promotion activities for independent video producers in the era of
the Internet
TV and on the convergence of online video and broadcast media for
independent publishers, for
which the term ProCaster was coined (Producer+Broadcaster). Remember
(Producer+Consumer)? Well, being a ProCaster might be the next step in the
For the first time in history, the power of the moving image is available to
all citizens. Free and
low-cost tools for creating video and sharing it with the world are now
within reach, slowly
diminishing the supremacy of traditional broadcast television. But to
navigate this frontier requires
new modes of creation and distribution. How will the next generation of
content reach its audience?
Artists, engineers, and businesspeople will get together for a two-day
exploration of what's next in
video production and distribution. Attendees will be introduced to the
cutting edge in technology,
innovative business models for finance and production, and how to make films
that are meant to be
The ProCaster Revolution will also be an opportunity to meet like-minded
individuals who are
experimenting in exciting ways, to share skills and insights. This event
will focus on independent
publishing; open technologies for production, post-production and
distribution of video, business
models and communication strategies for video self-publisihng and
In addition to the two-day conference program (featuring panels,
presentations, film screenings, and
an expo floor) the event will be followed by a week of action. Free and Paid
expert workshops will
be offered for students and corporate employees on emerging video
technologies, business models,
communication strategies and sustainable self-publishing. These workshops
will introduce open
technologies and the opportunities they present for businesses and
The ProCaster Revolution organization will be curated by a local coordinator
(under the title
"Managing Director") with experience in similar events and two assistants
(one local, one
international) that will have as their main duty to ensure the participation
of significant figures in
industry - legislators, entrepreneurs, artists, content producers, etc.
The ProCaster Revolution is promoted by Telematics Freedom Foundation and
Open Video
Proposed Schedule for Conference
Proposed Date: Friday and Saturday, 1-2 October 2010
Target Attendees: 400-600 persons
Target Registration Cost:
Student: € 10,00 - 20,00 - 30,00
Professional: € 50,00 - 80,00 - 100,00
(early, regular, on-site rates)
Target Cost for Workshops and Courses:
May vary depending on the duration (half day, one day, 2-5 days). Preferably
low cost to
encourage participation. Different pricing for students, professionals and
groups of corporate
employees. Discounts for early registration.
Attendees registering in two or more workshops will be entitled to a
discount of 50% on
conference registration cost.
Proposed Venues
The event will take place in Rome. For the conference, a space with a
minimum capacity of 500
seats, such as the Rome's Auditorium or the Conference Center of the
University La Sapienza will
be rented.
The Action Week workshops will be held instead in spaces (office and/or
universities) equipped
with internet connectivity, projectors, and everything that serves the
purpose of teaching.
 Auditorium 1 -
 Auditorium 2 -
http://www.auditorium.com/it/auditorium/spazi-sale/sala-petrassi (673 seats)
 UPTER University - http://www.upter.it/cat.php?cg=dove
 La Sapienza University Congress Center - http://www.uniroma1.it (1000
Proposed Activities
 CORE Talks:
o New forms of organization and practices of communication
o Communication Strategies for Sustainable Self-Publishing
o Sustainable Video Self-Publishing
o Social Media & Internet
o Independent Video Platforms
o Production & post-production tools overview
o Digital Archives, Media Libraries, etc
o The business case for open tools
o Moving to open licensing
 Side Talks:
o Open Video Overview (HTML5, open codecs, more)
o Metadata challenges
o Citizen Journalism
o Set-top boxes and Media Center Decoders
o Video on GNU/Linux
o Video on Wikipedia
o Using video in education
o Mobile Video
o From the future: augmented reality, other forecasts
o Net neutrality in Europe
o Use of video by local ministers, regulators, business leaders, etc
o Open video and telematics freedom
o Distribution Contexts:
 Convergence TV (internet portals, broadcast,...)
 Open Sofa TV (Set-top-box and TV-embedded)
 Open Mobile TV: (pda devices, cell phones...)
 Open Video Expo: a space where business can show their latest "open video"
o Audiovisual Software & Video Platforms
o Webtv & Streaming Tools
o TV, IPTV and Media Centers
o Mobile Video Demo
o Screenings of Short Films / Documentaries made with free and open source
tools or
distributed through new technologies and digital media
o etc...
Proposed Schedule for Action Week
Proposed Date: Monday to Friday, 4 - 8 October, 2010
The week following the event will be dedicated in part to "sprints" for
FLOSS community projects
(gratis) and part to professional workshops for students/corporate employees
(paid). The paid
workshops will be intensive courses in which an expert tutor will provide
professional technical
training to small groups of business employees, individuals and/or students.
Possibilities for paid workshops
These workshops will be targeted to independent filmmakers, ICT staff of
major content producers,
broadcasters, distributors, IPTV providers, professionals and students in
the audiovisual sector.
Agreements will be signed with suppliers to withhold from 5% to 10%
commission on the price of
registration to workshops in support of expenditure incurred in organizing
the event. Those who
follow the workshops will receive a participation certificate signed by the
organization and the
workshop tutor.
 CORE Workshops:
o Economy of Entertainment
o Independent Distribution in Europe
o Making Independent Distribution work
o Making Independent Production work
o Making Independent Post-Production work
o Basic/Advanced video editing with Open Source Tools
o Deploying Kaltura
o Licenses for Digital Content
o Kaltura Open Video Framework
o New Media Strategy
o Cinelerra (
http://digital-media.top-ix.org/open-source-per-la-creativita/workshop/ -
staff at top-ix.org)
o Blender 3D (Spark)
 Side Workshops:
o Coding with HTML5 <video>
o Mediawiki and video
o Transcoding 101
o "Video techs for Drupal"
o "Video techs for Wordpress"
o Puredata
o Gimp
o kdenlive
o Audacity
o Cinepaint
o Synfig Animation Studio
o etc...
Possibilities for development sprints
(OPTIONAL ACTIVITY) Development Sprints are short meetings between
developers (very
widespread practice in projects in the Free/Open Source Software community).
The significant
benefit is that project members can meet in person, socialize, and begin to
communicate more
effectively when they return to work remotely.
 Blender & Cinelerra
 Miro
 Xiph Foundation (developers of OGG Theora)
 MythTV
 Moovida
 Boxee
 Drupal (video)
 Joomla (video)
 Wordpress (video)
 ecc...
Letters of Interest and Support
We have already received statements of interest (formal and informal) frm
some organizations
regarding the event and the activities proposed. Specifically, please find
attached letters of interest
and support by:
Kaltura Inc.
Kaltura Inc. is a U.S. software development company specialized in the
development and
integration of multimedia video platforms. Kaltura collaborates with the
Wikimedia Foundation to
bring video and rich media to millions of Wikipedia users around the world.
Project Kaltura CE is
the open source version of the Online Video Platform Kaltura, used by
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Universal
(for Heroes TV series), and many others.
Estereotips.net is a network of hackers/artists/activists who work at
European level on free
technologies. Estereotips works on the creation of interactive environments,
creation of audio/video,
image manipulation with free software from years. Estereotips is also
supplier of courses on free
technologies to create multimedia content (puredata, gimp, kdenlive,
Cinelerra, Audacity,
CinePaint, synfig and other software).
Open Video Alliance
The Open Video Alliance is a coalition of organizations and individuals
devoted to creating and
promoting free and open technologies, policies, and practices in online
video. The Open Video
Conference (OVC) is a multi-day summit of leading innovators in business,
academia, art, and
activism to explore the future of online open video. The inaugural OVC took
place June 19-20,
2009 at NYU Law School in New York, with an informal hack day on June 21.
The inaugural Open
Video Conference was host to over 800 guests, including 150 workshop
leaders, panelists and
speakers. Over 8,000 viewers tuned in from home to watch the live broadcast
(http://www.livestream.com/openvideoconference). The event earned coverage
NewTeeVee, BBC News, Filmmaker Magazine, and The New Yorker. The Open Video
was founded by the Participatory Culture Foundation, Kaltura, Mozilla, and
the Yale Information
Society Project.
There are also informal confirmation of the Departments of Arts and
Performing Arts Sciences and
Computer Science and Systems from the University of Rome, La Sapienza; the
Blender Institute in
Amsterdam; the TOP-IX Consortium in Turin; the XBMC and Moovida Open Source
and Brad Degraf, consultant on next-generation digital media technologies.
Brad was co-director of
Moving Images for the Internet Archive and has created MOXY for Cartoon
Network, the first
virtual character created for television; the video "Steam" for Peter
Gabriel, who won a Grammy,
the film "The Last Starfighter", "2010", "The Jetsons," "Robocop 2" and
numerous television
Communication Plan
Description of promotion and/or communication strategies:
The target public for the event are small/micro web-centered or
web-exclusive video producers,
students and young creatives. But the event will also be interesting for
employees of companies in
the audiovisual and new media sectors, independent professionals and
industry consultants, artists,
directors and screenwriters interested in knowing how new technologies and
new media can
stimulate the market and creativity of their production and facilitate the
processes of distributing
content digitally and independently.
The workshops are targeted to independent film-makers and documentarians,
ICT staff of major
content producers, broadcasters, distributors, IPTV providers, professionals
in telecommunications
and students interested in deepening their knowledge about Open Source tools
of production and
post-production, new models of distribution and licensing of digital
content, and in acquiring a
network of professional contacts helpful in their future career.
Italy ranks among the first countries in the world for the number of fans of
social networking and
communities, surpassing the U.S., Britain, France and Germany. The time
spent on the web has
doubled in the last year (+118%) (Nielsen, March 2009). 40% of the Italian
population uses the
Internet regularly, among those 15% over 55 years old connect to the Web
every day. Using
opportunities for interaction with people through the Internet is a
strategic element because it allows
 be present in an active and proactive way on the Internet, using existing
channels to promote
the brand and services offered,
 monitor populated parts of the Internet to follow conversations, dialogue
with influencers
and identify new 'brand ambassador' bearers of positive word of mouth,
 build a relationship with the community.
For these reasons, the event will also reaching a general audience that
frequently surf the web
looking for news and new developments in the audiovisual and digital content
These Conference Sessions and the workshops offered work together to achieve
a number of
objectives, including:
 To set the event as a unique opportunity for socialization and training in
technologies, free and paid;
 To introduce concepts on new media and new technologies;
 To introduce concepts and open technologies in the audiovisual sector and
the opportunities
it presents for companies and individuals;
 To develop a critical knowledge in the new generations on the evolution of
 To exploring the future of video production and distribution through Free
and Open Source
technologies, innovative business models to finance and produce video; the
use of internet
and social media tools;
 To generate debate on the main themes of the Conference;
 To create network between professionals and between New Media and
Audiovisual sector
 To promote and distribute videos, short films and documentaries made with
attention to new
expressive languages and the possibility of producing and distributing low
cost offered by
new technologies and digital media;
 To provide media with interesting content to our stakeholders, to connote
the event with
strong emotional impact values (cinema, 3d, new media, open source software,
etc ...) and
create moments aggregation associating positive values that make them talk
about us;
 To stimulate reflection on the future of media and new technologies
through questions like
"how can we help the next generation of creators get their stuff in front of
an audience?" or
"How can Open Source tools improve the process of production,
post-production and
distribution of content?" and many others.
The Telematics Freedom Foundation and the organization team will use various
tools to monitor
communication strategies towards the target audience and the objectives
proposed by the event:
 Press Office: The choice of using the services of a professional press
office was made in
order to better promote the event and monitor traditional media such as
newspapers, weekly
journals, etc ... but also to provide PR support to all activities at the
local level that can be
used as a source of news for the press. In addition, this office will be
responsible for
producing press releases, obtaining interviews, keeping daily contact with
key journalists,
continuous updating of information materials, media monitoring and
 Subscriptions at the event and workshop: we will register the number of
members present at
the event and subscribed to all workshops in order to calculate commissions
and to assess
the interest on the arguments presented for a possible second edition of the
 Twitter is one fast-growing social media tool, and its model of
micro-blogging is able to
provide frequent updates and news on the subject in real-time. It will be
integrated with
Facebook using automatic updates, and the event website will aggregate all
the messages
that Twitter users will post about the event. Through multiple sites that
offer twitter statistics
(tweetpromote.com, twinfluence.com, tweetreach.com, twitter-friends.com,
twittercounter.com, twitterholic.com, tweetstats.com, twitterstats.com,
TwitStat . com, TweetVolume.com, etc ...) we will be able to build a profile
of the audience
reached, relevant keywords, and many other information that will help us to
track and focus
on promotion activities to achieve the proposed objectives;
 Facebook: The event will have its own page on Facebook, where world news
on the
audiovisual sector and information regarding confirmation of workshops and
sessions for
the program event will be published. Facebook offers a dashboard screen to
monitor number
of accesses and user interactions with the page, as well as a messaging
system that will
allow for direct contact with those interested in the event;
 Website Statistics: The website of the event will gather statistical
information on visits from
users (WebStat and Google Analytics);
 Statistics of Online Advertising Campaigns: Facebook and Google AdWords
detailed information on the number of clicks in ads in order to assess the
results and impact
of the campaign.
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