[p2p-research] Fwd: Web of Change Newsletter November 2009

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 03:40:31 CET 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Web of Change <info at webofchange.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 5:41 AM
Subject: Web of Change Newsletter November 2009
To: Michaeel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

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of Change Community - News, interviews, and community perspectives on social
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Perhaps you've heard the buzz, seen someone who came back "all lit up", or
work on a campaign that was re-energized or even re-engineered. All that
means, this year's Web of Change @ Hollyhock was once again our best year

If you weren't one of the lucky hundred people to make it, check out our
round-up post, complete with stories, quotes, and as always many fun photos
and videos that capture the essence of this September's amazing gathering.

Keep on changing the world everyone and we'll see you next September for WOC
#10 in 2010! *
   What Happened at Web of Change 2009?
By Ali Turnbull on November 16, 2009
[image: What Happened at Web of Change 2009?]

Web of Change 2009 was a great success. A group of nearly a hundred
top-notch leaders and do-ers converged to learn, discuss and inquire into
the roots of social change and technology and what it means to be leaders in
this field. Over 5 days, the group shared stories, best practices and their
passions and commitment to envision and create a better world. Hollyhock was
abuzz with great conversations and heartfelt exchange.

Here are some of the reasons why:

   - 93 fascinating, passionate individuals who work inside social change
   - Over 20 sessions and workshops that stimulated discussion, sharing of
   best practice and ways to engage people in visioning and creating the
   communities we want to inhabit
   - 5 days that did not end at Hollyhock but rather has continued to online
   conversations, working collaborations and strong friendships
   - 5 days of Indian summer, bright blue cloudless skies, amazing views and
   a stunning abundance of nature & wildlife

After a year off, Web of Change re-emerged as a vital conference on the
stage of social media, online tools, campaign engagement and building a
community that engages deeply with each other as well as social change work.
The feedback from those who attended spoke of the value of fostering strong
relationships, learning from peers in the sector, as well as being
reenergized for their work in the world.

Don’t take my word for it! Read the words from one of our convener's
blog<http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/uyiijk/itjihley/j>as well as
below for some snippets of feedback from this year’s

*“The one thing I keep coming back to and sharing with others is what I see
as the "new face" of social change: what was once heavy, compromising, and
divided is now lighter, direct, and collaborative. The people driving the
movements behind environmentalism, social activism, earth economics and
advocacy have a lighter touch.*


   - *are high tech*
   - *are enthusiastic and hopeful*
   - *see how everything is connected*
   - *have a "let's get down to business and get things done" attitude*
   - *make these issues cool and smart and that's sexy!*

*When I say "they" – I'm taking about the Web of Changers!”*

*“I learned and experienced once again the incredible **power and creativity
that can come from collaboration. With the magical mix of intelligence,
heart, and humility, projects can move leaps and bounds. It is extraordinary
to give and receive support in this context.”*

*“The world of internet programming is no longer the domain of socially
challenged nerds.”*

*“[The value of WoC was] building meaningful relationships with people
working across the US and Canada on the issues, strategies, and techniques
that will change the world.”*

*“I experienced renewal; I really needed that time to reconnect with my work
and myself. WoC really brought a lot of elements together to help me be
better at what I do.”*

*“[Some highlights were] community building, organizational transformation
(paradigm shift: decentralization, experiential social change, community
participation model), and the importance of narrative in developing cohesive

*“[Collaboration] already started - albeit in the early and loose stages. To
be honest, for me, the desire to collaborate is not born out of professional
ties but rather, friendship.”*

*“Excellent organization, and the most interesting group of participants
I've met at a conference.”*

Our extraordinary group of
presenters worked hard to make Web of Change an amazing event. We are
grateful to this team as well as the participant community, who made the
event the fun, dynamic and inspiring gathering it was.

Our awareness was also on those who were not present and as a community we
spoke of the desire to decrease the challenges and barriers for those
underrepresented. There were many attendees who work with minority groups,
issues of access and diversity and we had some sessions that specifically
focused on the role of technology as an equalizer as well as the barriers
that continue to exist.

We were grateful to all our
who enabled so many individuals and organizations to be present at Web of
Change 2009 and want to continue to build opportunities of access to this

We look forward to organizing next year’s conference with as much energy,
commitment to learning, openness and community spirit.

Thank you to all who made Web of Change 2009 the amazing experience it was!!
Comment on this Article<http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/uyiijk/itjihley/d>

Do you have a WOC success story you would like to see profiled? Let us know
— info at webofchange.com.
   From the Community Blog   Have Your Say  350 Global Day of Action: A New
Bright Line for Digital

By Michael Silberman on Nov 2, 2009
Web of Change '09 <http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/uyiijk/itjihley/k>

By Kety Esquivel on Oct 6, 2009
The Gathering for

By Gibran Rivera on Sept 11, 2009

“Thanks for an amazing time in paradise everyone! Friends told me it would
be the best conference / retreat I'd ever been to. I didn't believe them —
but it was.”

— Zach Exley
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[image: Web of Change]<http://webofchange.cmail4.com/t/y/l/uyiijk/itjihley/n>
your spot for WOC 10/10

2010 will be the 10th anniversary of Web of Change at Hollyhock!  Let us
know if you'd like to reserve now for Sept 22-26, 2010.  We'll add your name
to a list and send you a note when registration is open so that you get
priorty booking.

*Where:* Hollyhock, Cortes Island, BC
*When:* Sept 22nd – 26th, 2010
*Registration:* email info at webofchange.com to be added to our invite list.
 Photos from 2009 [image: Photos from

There are some great photos on flickr from the event.  Have a look to relive
the love!  Big thanks to Philip Djwa, Jason Barnett, Honey Mae Caffin,
Suzanne Chatwin, Michael Silberman, Pam Kapoor, Richard Civille, Lynn

See the Web of Change 2009 Slide
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