[p2p-research] assessing resilience, transition, and bright green

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 08:00:53 CET 2009

Hi Sam, Paul and others,

Just below, some recent links I added to delicious about a vigorous debate
about the transition movement, which started with a critique by alex steffen
at worldchanging (read from bottom up)

As I as two trips, from 12 to 16 and 20 to 24, I hoping that someone can
report on this controversy, Sam in particular, or Paul, come to mind,

Thanks for considering it and post-dating it to one of these dates!


     Worldchanging: Bright Green: Bright Green, Light Green, Dark Green,
   Gray: The New Environmental
    30 <http://delicious.com/url/1dacad27bca382274502e40b5eb53a78>
    What is bright green? In its simplest form, bright green
   environmentalism is a belief that sustainable innovation is the best path to
   lasting prosperity, and that any vision of sustainability which does not
   offer prosperity and well-being will not succeed. In short, it's the belief
   that for the future to be green, it must also be bright. Bright green
   environmentalism is a call to use innovation, design, urban revitalization
   and entrepreneurial zeal to transform the systems that support our lives.
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      - P2P-Movements <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Movements>
    2 <http://delicious.com/url/65a60fd610504dd8371a76424b76a4eb>
    it is very easy to fall into a vicious cycle of helplessness, denial and
   despair over climate change and peak oil. Central government is busy setting
   targets they know they will never have to meet. Individuals either do not
   understand the seriousness of the problems or are unclear as to what they
   can do. Local government can break the logjam. The idea that councils can
   play a significant role in saving the world is not sexy or fashionable, but
   the fact is they could be a big part of the solution.
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   - P2P-Localization <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Localization>
      - Climate-Change <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Climate-Change>
    -    Resilience Thinking: an article for the latest ‘Resurgence’ »
   Transition Culture<http://transitionculture.org/2009/10/21/resilience-thinking-an-article-for-the-latest-resurgence/>
    4 <http://delicious.com/url/a790a6fdd9c73899b3e14a324ea8e4d9>
    The latest edition of Resurgence is timed to coincide with the
   Copenhagen talks, and looks at resilience as a key aspect of the climate
   change debates.
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   - Resilience <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Resilience>
    -    To Plan for Emergency, or Not? Heinberg and Hopkins debate »
   Transition Culture<http://transitionculture.org/2009/05/27/to-plan-for-emergency-or-not-heinberg-and-hopkins-debate/>
    8 <http://delicious.com/url/2757fff8b26f4da5582add9e2a945d82>
    At the Transition Network conference, Richard Heinberg gave an online
   presentation looking at the concept of Emergency Planning for Communities,
   something he initially unveiled at Findhorn last year. You can see his
   presentation here. For a while now, Richard and I have been discussing the
   tension between longer term planning for resilience and the more immediate
   and pressing responses demanded by sudden and rapid change.
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   - Change-Dynamics <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Change-Dynamics>
    -    Renewable Energy Cannot Sustain a Consumer
   t is widely assumed that our consumer society can move from using fossil
   fuels to using renewable energy sources while maintaining the high levels of
   energy use to which we have become accustomed. This book details the reasons
   why this almost unquestioned assumption is seriously mistaken. Chapters on
   wind, photovoltaic and solar thermal sources argue that these are not able
   to meet present electricity demands, let alone future demands.
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   - P2P-Energy <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Energy>
      - Peak-Oil <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Peak-Oil>
    -    What is ‘Energy Descent’? » Transition
    3 <http://delicious.com/url/909a708b7839881eac19f0cf5c99a2e0>
    Much has been written about the geological and economic aspects of the
   Age of Cheap Oil, or what we might call ‘energy ascent’, as well as the peak
   oil concept, but very little which looks beyond the peak, into the period
   this paper will refer to as ‘energy descent’. Despite this term being a
   relatively new one, it is used increasingly by an emerging movement which
   focuses on solutions to peak oil. The concept of energy descent was put
   forward by ecologists Odum and Odum
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   - P2P-Energy <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Energy>
      - Peak-Oil <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Peak-Oil>
    -    Transition Times » Blog Archive » Transition Towns or Bright Green
   Cities? The Color of Movements or the Color of
    2 <http://delicious.com/url/c1dbebcd0be24b5d4a219952d4336d55>
    Alex Steffen’s “Transition Towns or Bright Green Cities?” of October 26
   presents a kind of spectrum for environmental groups, ranging from “dark
   green” to “light green”, that may be more about visual impairment than
   color-coding. That is to say that it attempts to analyze and classify the
   Transition movement without actually seeing what it is at
   all.TransitionTownFirst, when Steffen attempts to define what Transition
   Towns are, his emphasis is primarily on action.
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   - P2P-Movements <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Movements>
      - Resilience <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Resilience>
    -    Worldchanging: Bright Green: Transition Towns or Bright Green
   Cities? <http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/010672.html>
    28 <http://delicious.com/url/99fcb67f0b8d75a5338b76555d0edf90>
    The Transition movement seems saturated with what Michael Lerner called
   "surplus powerlessness" disguised as practicality. All over the world,
   groups of people with graduate degrees, affluence, decades of work
   experience, varieties of advanced training and technological capacities
   beyond the imagining of our great-grandparents are coming together, looking
   into the face of apocalypse... and deciding to start a seed exchange or a
   kids clothing swap.
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   - P2P-Movements <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/P2P-Movements>
      - Resilience <http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Resilience>
    -    Responding to Alex Steffen’s Critique of Transition at
   WorldChanging » Transition
    10 <http://delicious.com/url/3014e811b4427d47ad385464070378b4>
    I’ll go through some of Alex’s main points, but an overall reflection is
   that it appears to me that what Alex does is to describe Transition as
   something it isn’t, criticise it for being that, and then propose something
   to replace Transition which is actually what Transition was all along. An
   odd approach. Carolyn Baker has already posted an articulate response to
   Alex’s piece, but here’s mine.

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
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