[p2p-research] social programming cooperation

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 06:26:29 CET 2009

Dear Sam1 (sam2 in cc):

could you give more details about this:

- other examples, we building up alternatives for healthinsurance,
food-supply, and ways for legal squatting and new concepts of finances and
local money, to ensure basic infrastructure for your life.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:11 PM, <sam at brueckenschlaeger.de> wrote:

> ey michel,
> really nice to read you,
> i am neiter a programmer but work close with some,
> we build up a network of freelancers and social movement organisations,
> our core-group is called brueckenschlaeger.de (this means translated sth.
> like "bridge-builder")
> building bridges between people, organisations, ideas, worlds, utopies, or
> whatever you want.
> the page is just in german at moment and old version, but we are working
> on updates.
> in this brueckenschlaeger-agency we have different brenches,
> one is software-development for socialchange and projektmanagement, this
> group is called "0xb5.org" (no homepage jet)
> this group is working very close with the riseup-collective from US
> (www.risup.net)
> but we really need support in programming and administration,
> maybe you can write sth through your mailinglists, or could convey some
> interesting people to us.
> other brenches build up "fairtrading", guerrilla-marketing and
> guerrilla-communications,
> and our projectagency, work non-profit to help people to build up own
> projects and buisness
> on selforganized and hirarchieless ways,
> working with fundraising, and networking people.
> all in all we want to build up infrastrucutre to shape your learning,
> education, living, working and every other important earea in your life,
> in selfdirected and selforganized ways. going more independent from
> mainstream-industries,
> other examples, we building up alternatives for healthinsurance,
> food-supply, and ways for legal squatting and new concepts of finances and
> local money, to ensure basic infrastructure for your life.
> and building up networks which bases on collaboration, support and trust.
> we all live the ideas of P2P and open-source as an life-philosophie in
> every way and help people and organisations to go in this or similar
> directions too.
> empower people to take their lives back in their own hands and find
> cooperations between each other, instead of competitions.
> ----------
> now tell me about your event on collaborative platforms for social
> actions,
> where is it, who is organiying it, which people and projects will come
> there,
> is it an structured event with fixed timetable, or more sth like an
> barcamp?
> is there an homepage??
> are you going to make a good documentation about, to give people who are
> not there possibilities to take part?
> is there possibility to take part via internet-conference-tools?
> i am also really interested in the p2p-foundation, its really great work
> what you are doing,
> and i see very much similarities and maybe complements in things you are
> doing and we are doing,
> maybe we should get in better exchange and find ways to work together.
> are you an foundation? in way of a moneypot to spread finances to social
> projects?
> or is this organisation just for research projects which fits in the frame
> of p2p and spread informations??
> where are you personally located ?
> and other people you work together with?
> would be really nice to stay in tough,
> nice greez and best wishes, from cold berlin,
> till soon,
> sam
> On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 23:26:04 +0700, Michel Bauwens
> <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Dear Sam,
> >
> > thanks for this info, which came too late for our event on collaborative
> > platforms for social action,
> >
> > with Phoebe Moore's help at Salford, we hope to do this again, but no
> > guarantees.
> >
> > Phoebe, is there any way to keep a file for future use?
> >
> > Please note though that we are not programmers ourselves (at least most
> of
> > us at the P2P Foundation and the P2P Research Group), but rather
> interested
> > in technology as an enabler for social change,
> >
> > I copy Smari of the P2P Research Group as well, in case you're
> interested
> > in
> > connecting,
> >
> > Michel
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 11:32 PM, sam | brueckenschlaeger <
> > sam at brueckenschlaeger.de> wrote:
> >
> >> hello,
> >>
> >> i got your contact from dante, some times ago,
> >> cause you are programming or in any relation to programming.
> >>
> >> we are a team from berlin - germany,
> >> and develop different open-source tools for networking and organising
> >> mostly in Ruby-On-Rails.
> >>
> >> * one example is the social-network crabgrass:
> >> http://crabgrass.riseup.net/
> >> * another is the projectmanagementsoftware redmine, which we develop
> >> further for more easy useablity and develop it to a tool which is easy
> >> to hand for groups, projects and organisations.
> >> http://redmine.org
> >> * in a more wide few we are build up networks of solidary cooperations.
> >> where people can empower themself, help each other and build up
> >> selforganized ways of living, learning and working.
> >> and help people to make their own projects and buisiness, network to
> the
> >> right people, and bring together freelancers, ngos, organisations etc.
> >> to share the possibilities and powers together.
> >>
> >> we would need some support for this and other projects,
> >> so if you have capazities, ideas or other contacts,
> >> or if you need some support with your projects,  pleas contact me.
> >>
> >> you can also come in our 24h-chat  on  irc.0xb5.org  channel:  #bs
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> would be nice to get some response,
> >> till soon,
> >> nice greez from berlin,
> >>
> >> sam | 0xb5.org | brueckenschlaeger
> >>
> >>

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

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