[p2p-research] social programming cooperation

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 22:10:34 CET 2009

Dear Sam,

I copy the description of your software coop for social change, to the
people behind flows and openkollab, which are philsophically similar, and to
the p2p list,

I need more time to respond to your questions about the event and the

If you want me to describe your initiative in the p2p blog, do let me know,


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:11 PM, <sam at brueckenschlaeger.de> wrote:

> ey michel,
> really nice to read you,
> i am neiter a programmer but work close with some,
> we build up a network of freelancers and social movement organisations,
> our core-group is called brueckenschlaeger.de (this means translated sth.
> like "bridge-builder")
> building bridges between people, organisations, ideas, worlds, utopies, or
> whatever you want.
> the page is just in german at moment and old version, but we are working
> on updates.
> in this brueckenschlaeger-agency we have different brenches,
> one is software-development for socialchange and projektmanagement, this
> group is called "0xb5.org" (no homepage jet)
> this group is working very close with the riseup-collective from US
> (www.risup.net)
> but we really need support in programming and administration,
> maybe you can write sth through your mailinglists, or could convey some
> interesting people to us.
> other brenches build up "fairtrading", guerrilla-marketing and
> guerrilla-communications,
> and our projectagency, work non-profit to help people to build up own
> projects and buisness
> on selforganized and hirarchieless ways,
> working with fundraising, and networking people.
> all in all we want to build up infrastrucutre to shape your learning,
> education, living, working and every other important earea in your life,
> in selfdirected and selforganized ways. going more independent from
> mainstream-industries,
> other examples, we building up alternatives for healthinsurance,
> food-supply, and ways for legal squatting and new concepts of finances and
> local money, to ensure basic infrastructure for your life.
> and building up networks which bases on collaboration, support and trust.
> we all live the ideas of P2P and open-source as an life-philosophie in
> every way and help people and organisations to go in this or similar
> directions too.
> empower people to take their lives back in their own hands and find
> cooperations between each other, instead of competitions.
> ----------
> now tell me about your event on collaborative platforms for social
> actions,
> where is it, who is organiying it, which people and projects will come
> there,
> is it an structured event with fixed timetable, or more sth like an
> barcamp?
> is there an homepage??
> are you going to make a good documentation about, to give people who are
> not there possibilities to take part?
> is there possibility to take part via internet-conference-tools?
> i am also really interested in the p2p-foundation, its really great work
> what you are doing,
> and i see very much similarities and maybe complements in things you are
> doing and we are doing,
> maybe we should get in better exchange and find ways to work together.
> are you an foundation? in way of a moneypot to spread finances to social
> projects?
> or is this organisation just for research projects which fits in the frame
> of p2p and spread informations??
> where are you personally located ?
> and other people you work together with?
> would be really nice to stay in tough,
> nice greez and best wishes, from cold berlin,
> till soon,
> sam
> On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 23:26:04 +0700, Michel Bauwens
> <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>  > Dear Sam,
> >
> > thanks for this info, which came too late for our event on collaborative
> > platforms for social action,
> >
> > with Phoebe Moore's help at Salford, we hope to do this again, but no
> > guarantees.
> >
> > Phoebe, is there any way to keep a file for future use?
> >
> > Please note though that we are not programmers ourselves (at least most
> of
> > us at the P2P Foundation and the P2P Research Group), but rather
> interested
> > in technology as an enabler for social change,
> >
> > I copy Smari of the P2P Research Group as well, in case you're
> interested
> > in
> > connecting,
> >
> > Michel
> >
> > On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 11:32 PM, sam | brueckenschlaeger <
> > sam at brueckenschlaeger.de> wrote:
> >
> >> hello,
> >>
> >> i got your contact from dante, some times ago,
> >> cause you are programming or in any relation to programming.
> >>
> >> we are a team from berlin - germany,
> >> and develop different open-source tools for networking and organising
> >> mostly in Ruby-On-Rails.
> >>
> >> * one example is the social-network crabgrass:
> >> http://crabgrass.riseup.net/
> >> * another is the projectmanagementsoftware redmine, which we develop
> >> further for more easy useablity and develop it to a tool which is easy
> >> to hand for groups, projects and organisations.
> >> http://redmine.org
> >> * in a more wide few we are build up networks of solidary cooperations.
> >> where people can empower themself, help each other and build up
> >> selforganized ways of living, learning and working.
> >> and help people to make their own projects and buisiness, network to
> the
> >> right people, and bring together freelancers, ngos, organisations etc.
> >> to share the possibilities and powers together.
> >>
> >> we would need some support for this and other projects,
> >> so if you have capazities, ideas or other contacts,
> >> or if you need some support with your projects,  pleas contact me.
> >>
> >> you can also come in our 24h-chat  on  irc.0xb5.org  channel:  #bs
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> would be nice to get some response,
> >> till soon,
> >> nice greez from berlin,
> >>
> >> sam | 0xb5.org | brueckenschlaeger
> >>
> >>

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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