[p2p-research] Slashdot | Tech Allows Stable Integration of Wind In the Power Grid

Paul D. Fernhout pdfernhout at kurtz-fernhout.com
Mon Nov 9 17:13:01 CET 2009

"One of the most frequently raised arguments against renewable power sources 
is that they can only supply a low percentage of the total power because 
their unpredictability can destabilize the grid. Spain seems to have 
disproved this assertion. In the last three days, the wind power generation 
records with respect to the total demand were beaten twice (in special 
conditions: a very windy weekend, at night): 45% on November 5 and almost 
54% last night (Google translation; Spanish original). There was no 
instability. These milestones were accomplished with the help of a control 
center that processes meteorologic data from the whole country and predicts, 
with high certainty, the wind and solar power that will be generated, 
allowing a stable integration of all the renewable power. You can see a 
graphic of the record here."

The peer-to-peer aspect here is new ways being developed to coordinate local 
peer production of energy into a commons (the "grid"). :-)

Anyway, these "breakthroughs" seem to be coming fast and furious... :-)

--Paul Fernhout

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