[p2p-research] research blogging

Tomas Rawlings tom at fluffylogic.net
Mon Nov 9 11:43:43 CET 2009

I've been looking at http://www.researchblogging.org/ as site that
aggregates content where people blog about peer reviewed research.  My
first addition is 'Bias in Measuring p2p Networks' and is here;

Might be worth registering the p2pblog so any blogging about peer reviewed
research are added?



Tomas Rawlings
Development Director, FluffyLogic Development Ltd.
web: www.fluffylogic.net
tel: 0117 9442233 
Also see:
blog on film & interweb: www.plugincinema.com
blog on p2p, media ecology & evolution: blog.catbot.org
tweet: www.twitter.com/arclightfire

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