[p2p-research] P2PTV

Florent fthiery at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 10:47:12 CET 2009


First, thanks for your comments.

No, our technology is not technically p2p (although we did some
experiments with p2p streaming technologies such as Tribler's P2PNext
prototype), and it doesn't necessarily need to for now at least
(thanks to the micro-audiences implied costs).

However, i was more asking on the social use and accessibility of the
systems in place when comparing to traditional broadcasting methods
(for live streaming, the traditional model is to hire a team of
dedicated people, with dedicated skills such as cameraman, producer,
streaming expert... instead of having a dedicated, in-house system
usable by a non-specialist).

I assume then that, even if the accessibility barrier has been lowered
and that it can be used as a substract for group communication, it
doesn't mean it's P2P until anyone can participate in the network in
an equal fashion (i.e. creating it's own live stream/content). There
is a form of interactivity however, where the remote participants can
join (by chat, audio or webcam) the live stream. Doesn't make it p2p

Would it then mean that most hardware-integrated solutions cannot be
of p2p nature (unless the hardware is general purpose such as mobile
phone or user computer -- nothing magic here except integrated Linux
appliance designed for non-specialists, but even this is too
technical/dedicated for non-specialists to launch/install just for
video needs).



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