[p2p-research] a short message on our list culture and authority arguments

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 08:39:41 CET 2009

Here is a short message that is addressed to Andrew but concerns all of us:

"I am concerned  that the very culture of our discussion list has been
derailed by your science-based authority arguments, which are typically
expressed as 'you're totally wrong', 'this has been settled by science 10
years ago', etc. Your continuous appeal to scientific authority without
using evidence, and your summary dismissals, delegitimize and paralyze a lot
of the freeflow dialogue between intelligent persons that had gone on. I
respectfully request that you express your views with greater moderation and
with a greater regard for the human reality that other discussants have
varied perspectives."

Please note I will not engage directly with Andrew for the time being, it
has literally deleterious physical effects for me, so I have to stay out of
it, but I wanted to purvey my concern about the list culture, which hitherto
was of an exemplary civility.


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