[p2p-research] Hermit Nation: Does Tech Boost Social Isolation?

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 00:24:54 CET 2009

2009/11/8 Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com>:
> I am not a big tweeter but have been on it since the early days.  To have
> watched the full force of it is astonishing.  Whole governments are now
> trying to figure out what to do with it.  Integration with cell phones makes
> it profoundly powerful.

I've been wanting lists fo a long while, just to make my columns
portable between apps like Tweetdeck and Seesmic Desktop.

I dallied with Twitter in 2007, but it's only been this year that I've
gotten serious about it.  In terms of reach I've found it superior to
IRC, but in terms of depth of engagement and conversation it still
trails IRC.

I frequently live tweet from events like #mediaecologies from my cellphone.

Mamading Ceesay

Twitter: http://twitter.com/evangineer
Blog: http://evangineer.agoraworx.com/blog/

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