[p2p-research] Ten Days for Oppositional Architecture

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 17:23:27 CET 2009

VERY interesting event, I'd appreciate any coverage of these particular

Thursday, November 12, 7 pm
The Decommodification of Housing
Discussion with James deFilippis, geographer, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick · Esther Wang and Helena Wong of CAAAV, Organizing Asian
Communities, New York


Monday, November 16, 7 pm
On the Commons: Taking versus Granting Rights
Discussion with Peter Linebaugh, historian, University of Toledo · Brett
Bloom of Midwest Radical Culture Corridor, Urbana · Rob Robinson of
Picture the Homeless, New York


Ten Days for Oppositional Architecture
Towards Post-Capitalist Spaces

URL = www.oppositionalarchitecture.com

New York, November 12--21, 2009
Gair Building No 6, 81 Front Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(York Stop on the F Train)

The transformation of the urban landscape within the last decades has
increasingly been dominated by the demands of capitalist utilization. Due
to the current crisis, however, which goes far beyond a mere crisis of the
real estate and financial market, these neoliberal politics and attendant
forms of production of space have been subject to a loss of legitimation.
For this reason, not only do the dominance and promises of the
privatization model, the free market and private property have to be
questioned, but also the conventions of the space-producing professions
that follow and materialize these policies.

In this context the event “Ten Days for Oppositional Architecture”
takes up the task of exploring possibilities and conditions of a socially
committed architectural practice. Therefore the narrow boundaries of the
profession have to be left behind. We hence invite activists, geographers,
architects, planners, and economists representing different critical
approaches to discuss and develop concepts and practices that not only try
to oppose and challenge the capitalist mode of production of space, but
also try to go beyond it strategies of de-commodification,
re-appropriation and alternative production of space. We will look at
already existing spatial actions of resistance as well as search for
possibilities to further theorize them: How can these strategies and
alternative practices be turned into social and political forces towards
post-capitalist spaces?

All events are public. All those interested are welcome.
Free dinner will be served during discussion evenings.
An exhibition and a reading corner will support and document the


Wednesday, November 11, 6 pm
Opening Reception

Thursday, November 12, 7 pm
The Decommodification of Housing
Discussion with James deFilippis, geographer, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick · Esther Wang and Helena Wong of CAAAV, Organizing Asian
Communities, New York

Friday, November 13, 7 pm
Bar + programming by Lize Mogel and Alexis Baghat, An Atlas of Radical

Saturday, November 14, 7 pm
The Real Estate Crisis, Private Property and the Prospects of Planning
Discussion with David Kotz, economist, University of Massachusetts Amherst
· Teddy Cruz, architect, San Diego

Sunday, November 15, 7 pm
Bar + programming by tba*

Monday, November 16, 7 pm
On the Commons: Taking versus Granting Rights
Discussion with Peter Linebaugh, historian, University of Toledo · Brett
Bloom of Midwest Radical Culture Corridor, Urbana · Rob Robinson of
Picture the Homeless, New York

Tuesday, November 17, 7 pm
Bar + programming by common room*

Wednesday, November 18, 7 pm
Territory as a Means of Struggle
Discussion with United Workers, Baltimore · Neil Smith, geographer, City
University New York

Thursday, November 19, 7 pm
Bar + programming by Amanda Schachter and Alexander Levi of SLO

Friday, November 20, 7 pm
Reclaiming Capitalist Spaces
Discussion with Janelle Cornwell and Julie Graham, geographers, University
of Massachusetts Amherst · Max Rameau of Take Back the Land, Miami

Saturday, November 21, 12 pm
Towards Post-Capitalist Spaces
Lecture by David Harvey, geographer, City University New York, 12 pm
Workshops with special guests*, 2 -- 6 pm
Final presentation and discussion, 7 pm
Party, 10 pm

* For more details and updates please visit:

A project by:
An Architektur
Produktion und Gebrauch gebauter Umwelt
Alexanderstrasse 7, D-10178 Berlin

organized by Oliver Clemens, Sabine Horlitz, Anita Kaspar, Kim Förster
www.anarchitektur.com / contact: redaktion at anarchitektur.com

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Research:
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Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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