[p2p-research] Building Alliances

Ryan Lanham rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 00:20:24 CET 2009

Hi Stan,

P2P theory is a mess...in a postmodern sense.

The heat to light ratio is very high right now.  I'm personally looking for
someone to emerge as the clear post-scarcity theorist.  Right now, it is
muddled.  But maybe...  Every few days I think I can make some sense of
it...but it slips away.  It is very difficult to get to a moral philosophy
that aligns with a respectable futurism.

A lot of what is being said is rather tired socialism/communism that simply
won't compel any but those it compels...which is a very small minority.

I like Kevin Carson's stuff because it makes sense.  I don't find it morally
compelling, but it makes sense.

The rest is increasingly just mess.  I'm not sure there is any meaningful
set of topics or discourse...but the times are very difficult and evolving
very fast.  Sensemaking is hard.  Right now I would suggest P2P theory is

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