[p2p-research] The Higher Educational Bubble Continues to Grow

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 01:43:30 CET 2009

Stephen...on the mark as usual.

Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: The Higher Educational Bubble
Continues to Grow via Stephen's Web ~ OLDaily on 11/5/09
Higher education, writes Karl Kapp, is in the grip of a bubble. The
- core mission and fundamentals are ignored
- disproportionate compensation at the highest levels
- product value doesn't match marketplace expectations
- prices are manipulated without regard to market supply and demand
- perception of exclusivity
- a delusion that "this market is different"
I have long affirmed that such a crisis is coming and that it would
arrive very suddenly after being years in the making. It is now very
close - within a matter of months. 2010 some time, maybe (at the
outside) 2011, at least in North America. Funding will dry up, there
will be significant staff reductions, institutions will merge or close,
and administrators will be desperate for alternatives. Not just in
education, but education will be very hard hit, and at all levels.

Related: the New York Times on public universities. As Leiter
notes, "The Neoliberal Paradigm in Higher Education has been preparing
the demise of 'public' research universities for 25 years now. Those
that become de facto privates like Michigan will survive as major
research universities, and those that don't will see their former
excellence gradually erode--unless, of course, there is some dramatic
transformation in the economic and political culture." Just saying...

Also related: We must... - "a call to action to create the university
of the future - Here are five tasks prioritised las month at a "create
the university of the future" meeting sponsored by the Open University
of Catalonia and the US based and led New Media Consortium, and
attended by "forty leaders in open education and technology" Barcelona.
Karl Kapp, Kapp Notes, November 5, 2009 [Tags: none] [Link] [Comment]
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