[p2p-research] Participation Camp

Matt Cooperrider mattcooperrider at gmail.com
Sat May 30 18:11:31 CEST 2009

Hi All,

I am organizing the event below.  I hope some folks can attend.  If not, I'd
love feedback.  Also, we're committed to good documentation and providing
opportunities for virtual participation.



Today we announce a new un-conference focused on creating a truly
participatory democracy.
Participation Camp
June 27th and 28th - New York City
Learn more and register now at

*About Participation Camp*

Participatory government is a powerful ideal, but changing the system will
not be easy.  In the spirit of Transparency Camp<http://transparencycamp.org/>,
we're calling on open government advocates from all walks - including
government officials - to come together and share their knowledge and
strategies.  PCamp09 will include featured speakers, participant-driven
workshops, and hands-on projects.

*Get Involved Now*

We're all about participation, and we'd love to have your help making
PCamp09 even better.  We need organizers, volunteers, sponsors, and just
good ideas.  Learn more at
ParticipationCamp.org<http://participationcamp.org/>or email us
directly at
*participationcamp at gmail.com*.

To continue to receive PCamp09 updates, be sure to subscribe on our site, or
reply to this email and include the word SUBSCRIBE.

*More Open Gov Events

**Wednesday, June 3rd - OpenGovNYC's Summer of Gov
*: Join us for wine and cheese, followed by a series of presentations on new
open gov projects.  A good way to meet people in the movement and get
involved.  www.summerofgov.com

*Friday, June 5th - Capitol Camp <http://capitolcamp.org/>: *Albany throws
open its doors for an open gov unconference, and invites you to help them
improve your state goverment.  www.capitolcamp.org


Participation Camp is Sponsored by

   - Mudball - Collaboration Media, Community Building - mudball.net

   - New Work City - Coworking New York Style - nwcny.com
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