[p2p-research] Fwd: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please

Stefan Merten smerten at oekonux.de
Fri May 29 20:22:07 CEST 2009

Hi Michel!

Last week (10 days ago) Michel Bauwens wrote:
> you persist in wanting me to say that a cushion produces interest,

As I wrote: Certainly not. Once again I feel completely misunderstood.

I took a few days to think about how to proceed with what you perceive
as a conflict. I did not respond to many of your strange accusations
against me - though they of course hurt. Instead I sent a lot of
signals of friendship. I offered you my hand several times but
seemingly I was not really successful. I'm still ready to resolve this
conflict because I think it is utmost silly and unnecessary. And I
think the people on this planet are worth it that we resolve this

In any case I don't think it makes any sense to continue this in
public. Therefore I want to invite you to resolve this conflict in a
more personal setting. If you like we can try to find mediators
helping us though personally I do not feel the need for this. You know
my email address - now it is up to you.



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