[p2p-research] excellent contribution on flow money by Martien van Steenbergen

Martien van Steenbergen Martien at aardrock.com
Fri May 29 13:41:17 CEST 2009

On 29 May 2009, at 04:12 , Michel Bauwens wrote:
> I think the increasingly popular (but of course still marginal for  
> the mainstream) and in my view convincing argument is that we need  
> 'plural' systems of money. Say that Andreas is right and that  
> Martien's system does not work for 'everything'. It can still be  
> used by communities that have transactions that can fit those rules.  
> Since transaction costs for such systems are now much lower, it is  
> through experimentation, as suggested by Ryan, that gradually new  
> micro-currencies may come into being.
> I think is to open up the possibility of experimentation by civil  
> society, for the 'peer production' of various 'measurement' and/or  
> currency systems.
> At the same time, classic money can be 'reformed' to balance out its  
> most negative features, i.e. attach some small circulation charge  
> which discourages some of the speculation, and uses the funds for  
> socially positive goals. This is the aim I think of the Tobin Tax  
> proposal.

I'm definitely for such an open approach. In fact, I favour an  
eclectic approach and an open framework, like LEGO® for monetary  

Free Money Pearl Language

My dream scenario would be to develop a pearl language that can be  
used to generate monetary systems that exactly fit the situational  
need. It's a web of pearls that help you unfold the desired solution  
for the current situation. The application of a pearl transforms the  
current situation into a better, wholer one.

Since these pearls are small, modular pieces of practical proven  
wisdom, you are free pick and choose the ones you want. So, you're not  
compelled in anyway to use this system or that system, and there is no  
one system (to rule them all ;-). You have freedom of choice.

Freedom of choice joined with monetary systems give Free Money  
(Gessel's Freigeld (German) or Vrijgeld (Dutch)).

Capturing such practical wisdom in pearls also makes it much more  
neutral, not bound to a particular person, religion, country, or  
whatever. A Pearl Language unites on specification and may sportively  
compete on implementation.

Such a Pearl Language allows a thousand flowers too bloom, leaving all  
options open as opposed to a sole monetary system forced upon everyone.

A wiki is an ideal vehicle to start developing such a language. In  
fact, the first wiki's (e.g bu Ward Cunningham) actually were used to  
develop pattern languages.

Pearl versus Pattern

Christopher Alexander developed A Pattern Language—Towns, Buildings,  
Construction. A pattern is a solution to a recurring problem in a  
context. So a pattern focuses on a problem, a hurdle. Giving  
attentention and energy to something makes it bigger. Focusing on your  
hurdles, your goal disappears. Focusing on your goal, your hurdles  
disappear. That is why pearls focus on desired outcomes, on the  
fulfillment of a wish rather than on the problem.

Every problem can be inverted into a wish, desire, outcome or goal.  
For instance, if you are overweight you might say “I am  
overweight.” (problem), or “I don't want to be overweight.”  (negative  
wish). Inverting this into a whish or desire makes it easier to  
accomplish it, so “I want to have the right weight.” is already much  
better. Inlcuding a concrete, measurable goal is even better, so “I  
want to weigh less than 80 kg.” is even better.

Hence pearls and pearl language. A subtle yet important nudge.


A few very raw examples of pearls in the Free Money Pearl Language.

Context: ...an ecosystem with an OPEN MARKET.

* * *

Desire: Since every transaction implies the creation of value, you  
want money to flow.

Therefore: Allow a small precentage of everyone's positive balance to  
flow into a HOLARCHY OF COMMONS FUNDS that fund community projects and  

* * *

Context: ...an ecosystem.

* * *

Desire: You want a thriving ecosystem where supply and demand can find  
each other effortlessly and trade with eachother, using fair prices.

Therefore: Create a marketplace where prices, demand, supply and  
reputation are open and transparant to all players and the public at  
large. Consider using FLOW MONEY to foster industry and buzz.

* * *

Context: ...a community currency.

* * *

Desire: Often, money leaks away to ‘foreigners’ or speculative  
markets, or just flashes through your community, so you want to keep  
the money flowing local as long as possible, creating local value as  
it flows through the community.

Therefore: Increase the buying power of foreign currency when  
exchanged for local currency by a small percentage like 5 percent. Do  
the inverse when local money is exchanged for foreign money.

* * *

Just some thoughts.

Succes en plezier,


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