[p2p-research] excellent contribution on flow money by Martien van Steenbergen

Martien van Steenbergen Martien at aardrock.com
Wed May 27 16:52:42 CEST 2009

On 26 May 2009, at 19:38 , Dmytri Kleiner wrote:

> On Tue, 26 May 2009, Ryan Lanham wrote:
>>      The reasons people "own" money is that we store consumption
>>      until when it is advantageous.
>> Yes, that is one of the most useful traits of money: it abstracts  
>> trade from
>> time and space. That is, you don't have to trade 3 chickens for a  
>> ham at the
>> exact time and place, you can sell your chicks and buy something  
>> else from
>> someone else at some place and some time. Let's keep that trait.
> This is one the most destructive traits of money, real wealth can not
> be stored at no cost, or actually negative cost (positive interest),  
> to the owner. Such a form of wealth can only extend from granted  
> privilege, most likely enforced by state violence.
> This feature of money, money as a store of value, is esentially a
> transfer of wealth from future producers to current owners.
> This theft of future value from it's producers is among the sources of
> the great inequality of the world, and any form of exchange based on  
> the
> ability to "store" consumption at no loss or risk would perpetuate  
> inequality.

Fully agree with you, provided you are talking about a money system  
that supports the saving function.

Please also see my previous email.

> That is why Gessellian "friegelti," i.e. stamp scrip, has demmurrage  
> (negative interest) as a feature.

Right! ‘Flow money’, or ‘stroomgeld’ in Dutch, or ‘demurrage’ in  
French. A.k.a. as liquidity tax, but I dislike the word.

> I'm jumping in late, so appologies if this has already been covered.

Please continue to contribute in anyway you like.

I tend to be very definite, but I know nothing for sure. So each and  
every rebuttal that does not kill it, makes it stronger.

Succes en plezier,


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