[p2p-research] excellent contribution on flow money by Martien van Steenbergen

Dmytri Kleiner dk at telekommunisten.net
Tue May 26 17:11:10 CEST 2009

On Tue, 26 May 2009, Ryan Lanham wrote:

> Second, you say we made the rules for money once, we can remake them again...This I am
> having trouble with.  When did we "make" the rules for money?  Is it not a more
> spontaneous self-ordering ecosystem?   There were dozens of currencies in the Colonial
> US plus Sterling plus Spanish money, etc.  Money happens. 

As I understand it, Money as in state-issued legal tender originated for
the purposes of exacting tribute in ancient times, and did not become a
common means of market exchange until the industrial revolution.

Previously, even though money was known and available, goods where always 
traded primarly on-account, kin-communal/gift, or barter, as continues 
in many parts of the world today where money is scarce.

The adoption of money as a means of market exchange was imposed by the
state as a part of the imposition of capitalist social relations.

For more info see Kieth Hart, Glyn Davis, etc.

Producing, sharing and trading happens, Money is imposed by state

As for "hoarding," I highly recomend the essay Robinson Crusue by Sylvio

Here is the Manga version:



Dmytri Kleiner, aspiring crank


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