[p2p-research] excellent contribution on flow money by Martien van Steenbergen

Martien van Steenbergen Martien at aardrock.com
Tue May 26 13:13:11 CEST 2009

On 26 May 2009, at 13:02 , Michel Bauwens wrote:

> ok Martien, I'd be happy to see it happen ... does the experiment by  
> lietaer in Ghent qualify?

hmm… not sure. i understand that things at Gent are moving slowly and  
steadily. still needs a lot of education, awareness, training, etc. we  
might play the Serious Gek Geld Spel (Serious Funny Money Game) that  
takes its participants through the emotions and behaviour of two  
monetary systems (slave money (the one we have now), and free money).  
tell them and they will forget. show them and they will remember.  
involve them and they will understand.

btw, i'm working with Lietaer and netwerk vlaanderen on a Dutch spoken  
website on monetary topics.

Succes en plezier,


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