[p2p-research] excellent contribution on flow money by Martien van Steenbergen

Martien van Steenbergen Martien at aardrock.com
Tue May 26 12:50:46 CEST 2009

On 26 May 2009, at 10:50 , Michel Bauwens wrote:

> Hi Martien,
> thanks for these excellent explanations ...

Thank you.

> however, one problem: you seem to indicate that money would have no  
> ownership ..

right. just like centimeters and inches don't have ownership. it is  
useless and senseless to own centimeters (unless you manufacture them,  
of course).

> but this cannot be politically instituted,

why not? everything can be pilitically instituted. this too. it's a  
matter of will.

> unless by new and small voluntary systems

or by national (or european) support and programs.

any organization (like an Inc.) is fully free to implement and use  
whatever internal household system they please, as long as they adhere  
to the local laws and regulations of the country they are in. large  
organizations like Microsoft, Oracle, GM, etc, have a complete  
intricate internal financial/economical system. it even makes sense  
for them to include non-core services in their company, as it will  
save them interest (at least 20% of every euro).

same applies to a country: they can use whatever monetary system  
pleases them, as long as they adhere and interface to the countries  
they do business with and to the next higher level laws and regulations.

just like the WIR in Switserland.

> is that how you see it?
> but how then to change the mainstream system? by example of the  
> alternatives?

right. leading by example. if The Netherlands, say, would adopt a free  
money system—based on mutual credit and flow money, and where money is  
created at the moment of transaction—while still adhering to European  
and international law, and other countries see our abundance of  
wealth, prosperity and happiness, and the fact that we will probably  
far exceed our internationally agreed goals, they will be eager to  
adopt some or all of it. see monkey do monkey. it may well become a  
lucrative export product :-)

Succes en plezier,


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