[p2p-research] Peer Governance of This List

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue May 26 09:33:52 CEST 2009

hi matt,

the last missing first name is Salvino (salvaggio)

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 1:28 PM, james burke <lifesized at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> I registered the non-profit i think 2 years ago. (i have the papers all
> scanned in but not on this computer as i'm not at home while writing this).
> It has never been used for applications for funding. Somehow no concerted
> effort was ever really put into motion to attain funds, even though michel
> and i were often searching for donations to help fund basic living costs for
> michel and pay off some of the  costs for the websites. The original plan
> was to change the board of directors there every year, but seeing as this
> entity was parked in stasis, there was no need to incur further legal costs
> just to change some names. Original board members were sam rose, natalie
> pang, salvaggio, michel and james.
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> James is the man to give you details about the nonprofit. I lost all
>> details along with my stolen laptop.
>> Philippe in cc was with Whole Systems and now with Shift, until last year,
>> they provided me with 2-3k euro, just to make sure I didn't totally sink
>> under the poverty level (<g>), without really any counterparty.
>> Philippe and Alain Wouters also organized and funded a first p2p gathering
>> back in 2006 I believe.
>> I still put shiftn in my sigfile as courtesy to all the assistance I
>> received in the past, it was not a lot, but a crucial amount for me, and
>> without any request for counter-services ...
>> Michel
>> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Matt Cooperrider <
>> mattcooperrider at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Oh yeah, some questions.  Is the information about the official nonprofit
>>> entity and the board members publicly available?  Would it be a problem to
>>> post more details?  Also, what is the nature of the relationship with
>>> ShiftN?
>>> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Matt Cooperrider <
>>> mattcooperrider at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Fun!  I feel like I just cracked open an undiscovered book of histories
>>>> :)
>>>> I added some of this at http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Foundation:Aboutand linked the full text from there.  If anyone has suggestions, I am happy
>>>> to work them in, if you're not feeling like editing directly.
>>>> I see an opportunity both to practice transparency and other principles
>>>> of open goverance, and to keep a history of the foundation.
>>>> Thanks for indulging me on this Michel.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Matt
>>>>  On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:34 AM, Michel Bauwens <
>>>> michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>> Some background, as requ3sted, in reverse chronological order
>>>>> This list was created by Ned Rossiter after Andreas Wittel's Peer
>>>>> Production workshop meeting in Nottingham in November 2007 .. About 2 months
>>>>> ago, he quit as listmaster, and the settings he choose went to Kevin Carson
>>>>> and Ryan Lanaham for review. I have no details about what they changed.
>>>>> Ning was set up by Joseph Davies Coates, but is administratively
>>>>> maintained by me.
>>>>> Tne blog was set up by James Burke, who is admin and gives out pw/id's
>>>>> usually on my request. I produce 90% of the content, 3-4 items per day. He
>>>>> pays for the server space.
>>>>> The wiki was set up by Brice Leblevennec and about 18 months ago, admin
>>>>> was transferred to James Burke. Since short, it seems a web of trust is
>>>>> technically operating, i.e. existing members give access to new ones,
>>>>> before, it was james and I. I produce about 85%, perhaps more, of the
>>>>> content, from 5 to 25 items per day, depending on my time.
>>>>> I can easily spent 8 hours a day on this, which was what I did before I
>>>>> started this job, now I'm down to 4 ... which requires 2 extra hours outside
>>>>> of the office and 2 times 4 hours on both weekend days.
>>>>> But to be clear, my work is content oriented and I always forward
>>>>> technical issues to James, list issues to kevin and ryan, technical ning
>>>>> issues to joseph ..
>>>>> There is no formal governance, but I would argue, neither a tyranny of
>>>>> structurelessness. In fact, inside our resources, the case with Marc was the
>>>>> first conflict. My conflict with Stefan on Oekonux being a matter external
>>>>> to the P2P-F.
>>>>> The P2P-F has a legal structure in the netherlands, with a board and
>>>>> all, but no real existence so far.
>>>>> I'd be happy to answer more questions.
>>> --
>>> http://mudball.net - get your awesome out
>>> http://mattcoop.com - about me
>> --
>> Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
>> http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -
>> http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>> Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
>> http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -
>> http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>> Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens
>> The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
>> http://www.shiftn.com/
> --
> W: www.lifesized.net  T:+31 (0)6 5244 6445 Tw: @lifesized

Working at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University -
http://www.dpu.ac.th/dpuic/info/Research.html -

Volunteering at the P2P Foundation:
http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net -

Monitor updates at http://del.icio.us/mbauwens

The work of the P2P Foundation is supported by SHIFTN,
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