[p2p-research] Peer Governance of This List

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Mon May 25 18:11:54 CEST 2009

Very good questions Matt.

I m also interested in the situation in relation to the non profit entity.
As I stabilize my living situation in Brussels, I would like to find out how
I can contribute concerning finding grant opportunities with , for example,
the european commission, and collaborate with others on this list that might
want to eventually write applications under the p2pf non profit entity, and
in partnership with other non profit entities. ( I have some experience with
this dating back to my pre-hitch hiking lifestyle )

As for information overload, I have no problem with it either, except that I
filter the list and read according to thread titles.  It seems to me that
individuals that want to receive or contribute to more constructed and less
abundant flows of p2pf information can, I believe, resort to the p2pf blog,
or follow up specific topics on the p2pf ning ... or p2pf wiki ? ...


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Matt Cooperrider <mattcooperrider at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Oh yeah, some questions.  Is the information about the official nonprofit
> entity and the board members publicly available?  Would it be a problem to
> post more details?  Also, what is the nature of the relationship with
> ShiftN?
> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Matt Cooperrider <
> mattcooperrider at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Fun!  I feel like I just cracked open an undiscovered book of histories :)
>> I added some of this at http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Foundation:About and
>> linked the full text from there.  If anyone has suggestions, I am happy to
>> work them in, if you're not feeling like editing directly.
>> I see an opportunity both to practice transparency and other principles of
>> open goverance, and to keep a history of the foundation.
>> Thanks for indulging me on this Michel.
>> Best,
>> Matt
>>  On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 3:34 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Matt,
>>> Some background, as requ3sted, in reverse chronological order
>>> This list was created by Ned Rossiter after Andreas Wittel's Peer
>>> Production workshop meeting in Nottingham in November 2007 .. About 2 months
>>> ago, he quit as listmaster, and the settings he choose went to Kevin Carson
>>> and Ryan Lanaham for review. I have no details about what they changed.
>>> Ning was set up by Joseph Davies Coates, but is administratively
>>> maintained by me.
>>> Tne blog was set up by James Burke, who is admin and gives out pw/id's
>>> usually on my request. I produce 90% of the content, 3-4 items per day. He
>>> pays for the server space.
>>> The wiki was set up by Brice Leblevennec and about 18 months ago, admin
>>> was transferred to James Burke. Since short, it seems a web of trust is
>>> technically operating, i.e. existing members give access to new ones,
>>> before, it was james and I. I produce about 85%, perhaps more, of the
>>> content, from 5 to 25 items per day, depending on my time.
>>> I can easily spent 8 hours a day on this, which was what I did before I
>>> started this job, now I'm down to 4 ... which requires 2 extra hours outside
>>> of the office and 2 times 4 hours on both weekend days.
>>> But to be clear, my work is content oriented and I always forward
>>> technical issues to James, list issues to kevin and ryan, technical ning
>>> issues to joseph ..
>>> There is no formal governance, but I would argue, neither a tyranny of
>>> structurelessness. In fact, inside our resources, the case with Marc was the
>>> first conflict. My conflict with Stefan on Oekonux being a matter external
>>> to the P2P-F.
>>> The P2P-F has a legal structure in the netherlands, with a board and all,
>>> but no real existence so far.
>>> I'd be happy to answer more questions.
> --
> http://mudball.net - get your awesome out
> http://mattcoop.com - about me
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